My new roommate

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As I opened the door to my room, I saw a girl wearing some shorts and a small shirt with blonde hair , I started blushing for the idea that my roommate is a girl that I don't know and closed the door behind me as fast as possible.

There was a chair in front of the room so I sat down at it .
Suddenly"hey, you must be the roommate they told me about"someone said. I raised my head to see that it was my new roommate.

" hello my name is melody, well your cute so what's your name?"she asked "my name is jack, nice to meet you"I replied
"Come on in I will show you our room,this part is for me and this part is for you"she started explaining "did you get it ?"she asked "yes"I nodded.Melody was a blonde girl with dark blue eyes I had never seen anything like them.

I started unpacking while melody was taking a bath and singing out loud I can hear every word she is saying."singing in the mirror, dancing in the shower" she sang.

I am glad because melody introduced me to her friends, I was really happy that I made friends.

At night, I sat in my bed ready to sleep then "WHAT?are you going to sleep now?"melody asked , she was getting ready for something "Isn't it obvious,why are you dressed up anyway?"I answered and asked "I am going to a party of course and you are coming with me "she said "say what? Sorry but I am not going anywhere I need sleep, I have to wake up early I need to visit places in this city ,because after 4 days, I am leaving"I said "no way, you are leaving after only 4 days , you have just arrived"she said sadly "I know but I want to go different places ,and the world is big after I finish this tour of mine I will choose a city to live in , that's why I am traveling and paris was my first destination, did you get it ?"I said "Yes I understand"she said "I won't push you but are you sure you don't want to come?" She asked, I nodded "well then see you tomorrow roomy by the way I want to come with you tomorrow Can I? " she asked I nodded again and told her that I will wake her up if she didn't,
She was an understanding person and even didn't ask me where we were going , she is stange and nice at the same time and a little bit crazy I laughed with myself , melody has left 2 hours ago I was in my bed on the edge of sleeping when my phone rang I wonder who it is,
I answered "hello,Are you jack? Melody's roommate?" The man asked "yes I am, is everything okay?"I asked "yes, just can you come take her from the party because she got drunk and we can't let her drive, let me tell you the location" he said "okay, I'm coming, thank you"I said .

I went to bring melody and came straight back to the hotel , I layed her on her bed, she was asleep I sighed and went to sleep .

Suddenly I heard someone knocking on our door


Who could it be ?
See in the next chapter

Please do not copy this story because I'm really working hard on it and thank you ♥♥♥©

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