the reason for hate (pt2)

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Zoe opened her mouth and said"it all happened before you left , and after you and your boyfriend broke up ,I felt horrible after seeing you breaking down in tears when you came back home , I remember it like it was yesterday you shut yourself in your room and you didn't eat ,I went to talk with your so called now ex-boyfriend ,only to see him making out with another girl I couldn't believe that he got over you so fast so I seperated them ,slapped him and told him that the thing he did is wrong but it didn't turn the way I imagined it ,he dragged me by my hair into a room , closed it and left me there I heard him speaking with another man saying that there is a girl in that room if he wanted to have fun I had to act fast so I hid behind the door and held a lamp in my hand so when the man entered I hit him hard on the head and ran out of the room, I ran out of the place and I continued running after that everything went black when I woke up, everything was white I saw mom and dad there, I tried calling out to them but I couldn't it was like my voice disappeared ,I saw both of them crying then the doctor entered the room to grab my parents attention my eyes were open but it felt like I was dead from the outside ,he said that it may seem like I am awake because my eyes are open but I won't move cause I was like in a strange type of coma I started freaking out and trying to move but no use I felt useless I was looking around the room trying to find you but you were not there I heard mom speaking on the phone saying that she was glad you arrived safely at Paris and she didn't tell you about me and the situation I was in ,I felt betrayed cause I only went out to speak up for you and that is what I get ,being in a coma without my sister by my side I needed you but you weren't there why?why?" I looked at Melody to only see her crying I patted her back she stood up and hugged her sister and said "I'm sorry I didn't know you have been through a lot and it all happened because of me I am sorry,mum never told me about it" "you could have asked but you didn't ,I am sorry Melody I need some time alone "Zoe said going to her room "Melody let's go "I said holding her hand ,she nodded she seemed to be sad so I took her to an ice cream shop to my own surprise an outbreak of happiness took over her "oh Jack you know that is my favorite ice cream shop come on let's go "she said dragging me in we sat on a table and ordered after a few minutes our orders came and we began to eat as we were eating "Melody,how are you feeling now?" I asked her "yeah I am fine I hope she forgives me I just can't believe how selfish I was "she said "look it's okay you were sad because of what happened and tried to move on ,now you regret it and that is more than enough  " I said  "thank you Jack,you are the best "she said ,I just laughed "ready to go back?"she asked "yeah , let's go "I said

back at the hotel we went to sleep nothing else
suddenly I woke up thanks to Melody's annoying phone I went to pick it up since she was sleeping like a polar bear "Hello?"I answered "Hello ah yeah Melody you have to come to the hospital fast wait you are not Melody who are you?"the voice said "I am Jack Melody's bo...."I was cut off "Jack bring Melody to the this hospital *********,It is our mother please bring her fast I am Zoe btw" she hang up I went fast to wake Melody up
I Finally  uploaded sorry for taking way tooooo long for this chapter I was lazy 😂😂 anyways thank you for reading ❤❤what do you think happened to Melody's mother stay tuned to know  and sorry if the chapter isn't much
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