Deciding where to go

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The next day
"So Where should we travel to?"Melody asked "umm,I think there is something called good morning have you ever heard of it ?" I said sarcastically "Okay,sorry Good morning"she said while poking my cheeks,I turned and kissed her on her cheeks "why do you always kiss me on the cheeks?"she asked,I blushed and said "What the hell?how brave are you?"why? don't you like the way I kiss you?"I was blushing so hard "Hhahah,jack you are really cute I just meant why don't you kiss me like that?"she said while pushing her lips on mine ,I was too shocked to kiss back and she pulled away "😂😂 omg jack close your mouth or a fly will enter"she said while laughing"why are you so shy? didn't you kiss Ella on the lips?"she continued "um,no I mean yes but I was waiting for the most lovely romantic moment "I said with my head down "I love you jack"she said while obviously trying not to laugh "hahah, very funny"I said "Whaaat?"she said with the most annoying tone you would ever hear "okay stop it I love you too btw"I said and kissed her On The Lips, ohh yes baby I did it but she was the one surprised now haha I am evil "did Mrs.funny get shy all of a sudden?" I asked,she just nodded then we laughed our hearts out together "okay,where are we going to travel next?"She asked "I was thinking about Switzerland what do you think?"I asked "ohh,yes I love Switzerland and my family lives there "she said "Really??"I asked "Yes and if we are going to Switzerland We have to visit them I want you to meet them okay?"she said and asked in a very cute way "oookay how could I resist you?"I asked "of course you can't"she said while playing with her blonde hair..........

In the afternoon;

We didn't do anything much just ordered some food, watched a movie not any movie we watched "Finding Nemo" since Melody insisted on watching it...we had a small pillow fight that ended up with a big disaster by disaster I mean the whole room was upside down, we went to do some shopping since tomorrow we will travel, I booked our tickets, we are going to travel by a boat and it would take 11h and 54m.....ugggh so much time😕😕

at 6:00pm;
we got ready to go to The London eye
"Melody are you ready?"I asked "yes I am, one last look at myself😯"melody answered "you look lovely come on let's go"I said, she nodded
"Oh my god,it is so amzaing"Melody said while looking at( the London eye) "let's ride"she said ,I nodded....... "wohoooo,look at the perfect view"she said while shaking my arm "Why aren't you reacting?jack,are you scared of hights?pfffft"she asked "umm,what? no I am not , I was just thinking about something"I said "what?what are you thinking about?"she asked "Well,,isn't it the perfect moment for a....kiss"I said while rubbing the back of my neck,she opened her mouth to say something but it seems the words are not coming out 😂,I laughed alot at her reaction"what? did the cat  eat your tongue?"I asked teasingly " It is just you are an book you say what is on your mind so easily"she said nervously, I just couldn't resist her cuteness and kissed her passionately on the lips and she kissed back It was like the best kiss eveer ..I know I am squealing like a girl but yeah ..okay let's get back to being manly 😂😂"Melody ,let's go back, tomorrow we need to pack our bags the boat leaves at 1:00pm"I said while pocking her cheeks ,she nodded ..❤

At the hotel we went to bed as soon as we arrived cause we were tired from all the walking "good night, jack"Melody said "goodnight,Melody"I  said and with that I can say I drifted to wonderland
Hey guys, sorry didn't update for way too long I had exams and stuff 😢😢

Okay,will everything go well for melody and jack or will it end like titanic (jk,jk😂😂) but stay tuned to know what will happen❤❤ byee

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