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Well,our trip to Spain went very smoothly..          

  First,we got off the airplane then we went to the hotel we unpacked and slept for two hours.We went to a nice cafe ,we enjoyed our food then we continued sightseeing...

"Melody?"I called "Yes,what is it ?"she answered "nothing,I just love you " she looked at me and smiled "What?are you not going to say it back?"I asked ,she nodded "Why?"I asked again " feelings for you are way too much than the word I love you "she said happily ,I blushed and said "You are so cute " she held my hand tightly ,and we continued walking ....

After 4 hours of  walking.            "What?it is already late?"I said "We have to go back",I stated "No,let's stay a little more "Melody pouted ,I nodded we sat down on a bench in a small park ,we talked and talked not feeling the time,it was already very late "Come on now we really have to go back"I said ,"okay but first.."She said and gave me a peck on the lips "What was that for?"I smiled "Nothing"she giggled .

In front of the hotel ,I felt as if someone was watching us more like following us but I decided to ignore this feeling because we were already tired.In the room we had separated beds since no other room with a king sized bed was available "Good night jack"she said "Good night love"with that we both drifted to dreamland.                                                                                                                               

The next day:                                              "morning "Melody said , "What?"I said, she   looked at me strangely "What what?"she said "It is good morning not morning Is your morning not good ?"I asked and the look on her face made me laugh way too hard ,so she took her pillow and threw it at me "You are stupid I can't believe you "she said and laughed with me 

We went to a near cafe and ate our breakfast ,"I have to go to the toilet"Melody said ,I nodded .As  I was waiting for her I played with my phone then the chair moved "hey you are already ba..."I said but as I lifted my head I saw someone I didn't expect to see "Hello,Jack"She said ,I didn't answer I got up and headed to where Melody was ,I waited for her in front of the ladies toilet "Oh hey ,what are you doing ?waiting for me huh?"Melody asked cheerfully "Yeah"I said trying my best to sound happy "What's wrong?she asked "nothing" she looked at me and said "You are bad at lying "I looked at her and smiled"haha you know me ,I just feel tired"I said looking down "Let's go back to the hotel then"she said "Yeah okay"I answered ,I started walking but Melody stopped "you thought I was gonna say that ,I am still not buying your tired excuse but anyways hell no we are going back to the hotel ,we are in Spain we have no time "She said cupping my cheeks with a serious look ,I nodded "What do you want to do?"I asked "Whatever you want "She said ,I nodded
Hey hey sorry for the lame update but I tried my best ,and sorry for not updating soon I had exams 😩and technically I failed most of them 😭😭 I AM JOKING😂😂 I would die if I fail anyways  ...
Who made Jack so confused more like disgusted 😒?stay tuned to know 😃
thank you all for reading my story❤ and please don't copy©

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