Chapter 2

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I finish taking off my shoes and sweatpants just to look into the bleachers again to see him looking at me. This time he's the one to look away first. Hmm, I think to myself why he might be staring. Maybe he knows me? No, that couldn't be. I don't recognize him from anywhere.

"Shania!" Tina yells. I get snapped out of my thoughts when Tina walks up to me yelling my name.

"Oh, sorry. I was kind of day dreaming."

"Not that again; well we have to start warming up otherwise we are going to be no good out there."

"I'm on it." I lazily walk out onto the court.

We pass the ball back and forth a few times before the ref blows his whistle to tell us to get into our places. Tina, Allison, and I walk to our places. We look at each other and then look towards our opponents before the match starts. The ref blows his whistle again to signal the start. The other team smacks the ball over the net and Allison hits it to me then I strike it. Our point. Tina gets the ball and serves, she hits it to the person farthest back on the other team. They hit the ball twice then it comes over the net so I jump up to hit it. The other team blocks it and strikes it into our court. We miss it, their point.

The rest of the games continued just like that. We didn't make the championship since we lost by 2 points, but maybe next time. I walk over to the bench to grab my clothing and water bottle. Tina and Allison come over and ask,"Who's that boy in the stands, he keeps looking at you."

"I have no clue, I don't recognize him at all."

Allison replies with, "Oh, then it must be a secret admirer." They laugh.

"Anything but that." I reply, annoyed with how childish they were acting.

Us three talk over what our plans our tonight. It's only 4:30pm so I have the whole night with nothing to do. Just if I had a boyfriend.

I walk out the courts with my head down humming music by Celine Dion to myself, she's my favorite singer. I keep walking and all of a sudden I hit something. I look up upset, oh wait, it's that boy from the bleachers.

"I'm so sorry...I I didn't mean to."

"No! It's ok, it was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Well hi, my names RC. By the way, you did great out there today."

"Yeah, well we didn't win but maybe next time." I smile, oh that's great, I think I like him. He's kind've cute. NO! He isn't Shania you need to stop. "Well my names Shania."

"I like it, like Shania Twain?"


He grabs a piece of paper out of his pocket and I can't see what he writes on it. He hands it to me.

"Well here's my number." Awe, he blushed. "May I have yours?" He asks.

"Yeah, one sec." I look in my phone and give him my number. 

"Umm." he scratches his head nervously. "Are you free tonight?" 

Oh god, not a date. "Yeah I am!" I say a little too excitedly.

"Well, do you want to go on a date?"

"I would love that!" he smiles at my response.

"Ok, I'll message you the details later. Be ready for me to pick you up at 7:30."

"Sure, I'll be ready." I smile to myself. 

We then go our separate ways.

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