Chapter 19

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I split Celine's family into two groups and keep mine in one. I send them off to start searching for Celine while RC, Joe, the other guards, and I all go in the same group. We've got four groups. The police are also working on getting groups together. We've all been running on no sleep since Celine and Shania's disappearance. We need to find them, we will find them. I'm so worried about them, I can't imagine what they are going through. I can't imagine......


I slowly start to open my eyes. It is 8:00 am...what?! Oh yeah, we fell asleep during the movie, whoops? Haha. "Celine?"

"Hmm," Celine groans groggily. 

"It's 8:00am haha. Get up!"

"I don't want to. Rene isn't with me and neither are my kids. I've got nothing to live for but you, but I'm ok with that since you are now my daughter and I'd do anything for you." Celine mumbles and then falls back asleep.

"'d get up for me?"

"Now let's not put words in my mouth," Celine laughs. 

"Ha, now get up." I say since Celine is still resisting the reality of the morning.

She sighs, "Ok fine. Only because I love you." I smile and she hugs me tight. 

I get up and walk to our bathroom to freshen up. "Shania? Do you think they are looking for us?"

"Yeah, I think so. I would bet they are already close to finding us."

"I hope so..."

I hear the door to our room being opened up. I walk into the doorway and huddle next to Celine. 

"Awe how cute. Are you two adjusting alright?" Mike says.

"Y-Yeah," Celine answers for us both and steps in front of me with her arms stretched out towards her sides to protect and guard me. 

"Shania, are you scared?" He asks me...shit. 

"N-no...not at all. I like it here." I lie and it stabs me in the heart. I don't like it here, I miss RC.

"Great! So do you guys need something to do? Maybe some board games...?"

"Um, I kind've have a you have any medicine?"

"Well, I do. Let me go grab it." He says walking out of the door.

"Shania you do?" Celine asks in a quiet but stern whisper?

"No. I have a plan." I say as quietly as I can to her.

"So, here you go Shania. I hope you feel better." I slowly walk up to grab them from him as he stands there in the nicest clothing ever...hell, I had no clue Celine had paid him that well.

"Thanks," I say as I take the pills from his hand. 

"No problem. Hope you guys have a good day." He says with an evil grin. Why did Aldo ever hire this man.

He walks back out of the door and shuts it. Then I hear the key in the door locking it.

"So, whats your plan?" Celine asks.

"My plan is to get a few more of these and put them in his water while we have a "hang out" session and give him a drug overdose."

"Like we actually want to sit down and talk with him." Celine laughs. "That better work because I can't stay here much longer."

"Yeah, I bet he has our phones in his room in a dresser drawer."


"Are you hungry?" I ask, trying to change topic.

"Kind've, did he give us anything to make pasta with?" 

"I'll go check." I say as I walk to our overly sterile kitchen.

I look in the cupboards and thankfully I find a pot and some spoons that we can use along with plates. I look in the other cupboard next to it and find a few boxes of pasta. Thank the lord!"

"Here's all we need to make it." I say looking over at Celine who is now sitting on a stool at the island.

"Ok, here. I'll make it while you just sit and hang out."

"Are you sure you don't want help?"

"I'm a 47 year old woman, don't you think I can handle it?" she says in a laughing matter.

"I guess so, I say with a smile."

About fifteen minutes later the pasta is done and we sit down at the table and a family; although most is missing...I miss them so much. Celine and I eat in silence knowing that this doesn't feel right.

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