Chapter 6

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We walk up the steps and I look up to see Rene and Celine looking at us. Oh no, they heard all of that, I'm mortified. We reach the top of the steps and I look down thinking that Celine and Rene will think I'm a terrible influence on their son. Celine steps towards me, I say, "Please let RC and I still be together, I know I..." Celine cuts me off.

"Honey look at me," I do, "You are not terrible for the faults of others, you are welcomed in this family, we already all love you. If you and RC continue dating you will maybe and hopefully become our daughter. I will already be that figure for you if you like. I know you've had a terribly hard past that no one should ever go through but you are worth something." Celine is crying which is making me cry, I run over to her and collapse in her arms. She hugs me so tight and it feels amazing to have a "mom" figure to look up to. Even before today I looked up to her as a mother figure but to have her say to me that that is ok means so much. 

We let go over each other and then Rene walks over and hugs me, he lets go and looks at me. "You are welcomed into this family which means we are always here for each other. I give you and my son permission to date. I think you are an amazing girl and I believe you are who my son needs in his life. Someone who has been through a lot but has overcome. You are an amazing girl with a bright future."

"I agree but Rene, how do you know she has a bright future," Celine looks at him and smiles almost smirks. 

"Because I knew about you," Rene says then they look at each other and then go give each other a kiss, wow are they relationship goals or what, I think to myself. I look over at RC, "Well it's 10:30, we better get you home." I sigh, "I guess."

Celine chimes in, "I can drive you home if you would like, I already sent Mike home for the night."

"Oh, that would be much appreciated," I reply.

I make sure I have my phone then follow Celine out to the garage. We get in to one of the Cadillacs and drive to my house, we are almost there when Celine says, "Well, it was so nice to have you come over, you'll have to come again soon. Remember, I and Rene are always here for you, ok?" 

"Yes, and I couldn't appreciate that more. So thanks for the amazing night Celine."

"Oh, it wasn't a problem dear." We arrive at my house so we say our goodbyes and I walk up the path and into the front door. I walk to my room knowing my aunt is probably sleeping and I don't want to bug her. She is going to want to know all the details but I will only tell her about dinner. She will want to know who his parents are and I can't lie so I guess I'll tell her, she will be ecstatic. I'll tell her in the morning, if she cares to listen. 

I change into my pajamas, take my makeup off, and go to bed.

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