Chapter 16

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It's now 9:00am and we both just woke up. Celine looks so tired, her eyes are swollen and her face blotchy. "So..." says Celine.

"What to do now?" 

"Let's get ready and clean up. Do you want to use the bathroom first?"

"Sure. I'll have to at some point." I walk over to the bathroom and look in the linen closet. There are fresh towels in there. I turn on the water and get in after taking off my outfit from last night. I sit under the water for what feels like hours. Thank god there is soap and hair products in here. I scrub myself clean and wash my hair. I rinse off and get out, wrapping my towel tightly around myself. I walk back to the bedroom to get changed. I see Celine on the edge of her bed. I walk towards the dank closet and grab a pair of sweatpants and a comfy tee. I walk towards Celine who is still sitting on her bed and sit next to her and hug her. She hugs me and starts to silently cry into my shoulder, "Hun, I know it is hard. You will make it. We will make it. I'm sure they are looking for us right now." 

"I know, it's just hard to keep the faith and I if I can't keep the faith for one day how can I for however long we are down here for."

"You will. You are a strong woman with a lot of ambitions. They possibility for the amount of people searching for us is endless."

"I know." Celine sighs. I feel bad, she has so much she was looking forward to and so many things coming up and now we are here. Here. Of all places. Here.

Celine gets up and walks over to the bathroom. I sigh and lay back in bed. Twenty minutes later Celine walks back into the bedroom in a towel with her hair still wet, like mine. She also puts on sweatpants and a tee. "So, do you think he's kidnapped others?" I ask.

"I'm sure. Why did Aldo hire him!" She yells in a whisper. "For all those times you stood by me, for all the truth that you'd never see. For all the joy you brought to my life, for all the wrongs that you made right..." Celine starts to sing under her breath as tears fall from her eyes. We sing together, in harmony, because that's all we have left. "You were my strength when I was weak." Now Celine is looking at me and I smile knowing she's directing it at me, in this moment. "You were my voice when I couldn't speak. You were my eyes when I couldn't see, You saw the best there was in me. Lifted me up when I couldn't reach. You gave me faith cause you believed...believe that we will make it." She reaches her hand over to mine and holds it. "If I didn't have you here with me I don't know how I would be making it. I should be the one to hold you up but it's the other way around. I'm sorry I'm putting this big of burden on you but I can't thank you enough. I love you." She speaks.

"I love you too. Don't worry, you are my everything and if I had to I would die for you. You saved me after Lisa died. If you weren't there, I'm sure I'd be dead by now." I reply, speaking from my heart. 

"We need to be strong, we will make it I know we will."

"Yes we will. Especially you. You are the strongest person I know."

Celine smiles, "Shall we go see if he has any movies by the TV?"

"Sure. Let's go."

We get up with our arms around each other and walk over to the living room. We kneel on the ground in front of the huge TV (Still not as big as the ones in Celine's house, but it works.) and look under it in the cabinet for movies. "There are so many more here than expected." I gasp at the wide variety. 

"I know. Hey! Here is 'Titanic'."We laugh.

"Let's watch it!" 


We put the movie in then get up and go over to the old but usable couch and sit down huddled next to each other. The movie starts and we watch in silence. 

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