Chapter 14

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We walk back to the dressing rooms. I can't wait to try on my custom Balmain. I've dreamt of this day for ages. Celine is next to me finishing putting on her jewelry while I already have mine on. I'm nervous. My hands are shaking and Celine notices. "Awe hun, are you nervous?"

"Yes, but very ready and excited." I smile like Manic Mcgee.

"That's good, there is nothing to be nervous about. You will be with me the whole time." Celine hugs me. 

"Shall we get going?"

"Yes, we shall."

We walk arm in arm to the stage. Celine walk out on stage. Once she sings that first note, there is no going back. "The whispers in the morning..." And we are on. 

Any minute I will be walking out after Celine presents me. I can't wait.

RC is right next to me. He turns towards me, "Shania? Remember I will always love you. No matter what. Go break a leg tonight and show them what you've got."

"Awe, I will. I love you so much that I would get water from the moon for you."

"Hey! Don't take my jokes."

"Haha, they aren't yours if they are from your mothers songs!" We both laugh.

..."And now, I would like all of you to welcome a special guest of mine. She has been through a lot but has persevered through it all. Someone who is like a daughter, Shania!"

Oh gosh....I walk out on stage and the crowd is going wild. They are chanting and screaming. I walk over to Celine and she gives me a hug. I squeeze her tight and I don't want to let go but I have to. "Are you ready?" She whispers to me.

" Yes ma'am." I reply.

The music starts and everything goes still. The world stops and I'm in a new world with just Celine and I. 


We finish the song and the crowd is thundering. I look over at Celine and she is clapping and smiling so big. She walks over to me and gives me a huge hug. I am shocked at the crowd's response. I then walk off stage and Celine finishes her show. 

"Thank you! Goodnight everyone! I love you all!" Celine then walks off stage towards me. We run in to each others arms and hug each other so tight. Neither of us want to let go. Mike walks up to us, "Good job tonight but we've got to go."

"Why?" Celine asks. I don't have a good feeling.

"Uh, Rene said so. I don't know why."

"Then where is Rene at?"

"Um, I don't know. He just sent a message to pick you both up."

"Celine, I don't trust him." I whisper in her ear.

"It's ok, I'm worried that if he doesn't go it will be worse. I'm going to text my body guard, Joe, and say we might be in trouble."

"Ok." I want to scream for help but I know why Celine is saying go with. We don't know if his intentions are bad but......" Mike grabs onto our arms and drags us to the vehicle before we have time to process what is going on. We are almost to the car, I try to scream but no one is around and when I try he kicks me. "I'm helping BOTH of you, you no good pieces of crap." He yanks my arm harder and I yelp in pain. "RENE!" Celine is pleading. "RC!" I'm going to die. I'm going to die in the arms of a kidnapper. He shoves us in the vehicle and tells us to shut up. He walks around to the drivers door and gets in. He pulls out a gun from his holster and points it towards us. Oh no. I look at Celine and she looks at me. "You try to run." He loads the gun and it clicks..."You have to get through this." He shoves the gun closer to each of our faces. He retracts his arm and sets it next to him. I look up to the head rest in front of me and see a note. "It's all coming back to you soon," it says. How did I not notice. I'm silently crying to myself praying I'll make it through this. I don't want to have nothing and be nothing. I'm done with nothing. Mike starts the vehicle and drives on the highway. We take a turn to the right and go onto a dirt road. FUCK! I knew I shouldn't trust this guy. 

We arrive at a white house after about a half hour of driving, there is non way anyone will find us. "Get out." We yelp in terror since the silence was broken. Celine and I get out of the vehicle. "Follow me." We follow him up the front steps. No address on the house. SHIT! Why me! Why Celine! Why! Why! WHY! 

Shania. You fight for your life. You have a family. You have Celine now. You have people to live for.....FIGHT.

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