Chapter 13

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We are at the Colosseum doing our rehearsal for tonight. I'm excited, this is what I've wanted to do my whole life. Celine and I walk into the Colosseum side by side. Law comes running over, oh my life. I'm going to die.

"Hey Shania how are you honey?"

"I-I'm good." My smile is so big right now, I'm so embarrassed.

"Awe that's good, don't be nervous. It's a lot of fun I promise. I have a surprise for you, follow me." He smiles then turns around and start walking.

I'm so stunned I almost can't follow him. Celine puts her hand on my shoulder, "I understand what you are feeling right now." 

"I hope so..." I start following Law. 

We walk into a room with lots of clothing, must be the dressing room. I follow Law to the far side of the room. "Is this my spot?" I gasp, looking at a huge mirror with light bulbs along the side. I see loads of makeup with so many brushes. I see hair styling tools and so much more. 

"Yes honey, it is. And look at this."

He walks over to a garment bag. He opens it and takes something out of it then turns around and shows me. It is custom Balmain. OH. MY. GOD. I can't breath. I run over to Law and hug him so tight, I never thought this day would come. It's gorgeous, it is a cream color with SO MANY jewels and diamonds. "Are you kidding me? Oh my god this is gorgeous." I look over to Celine and see that she is smiling and her eyes are shining. I look back to Law and I can see he is content and satisfied with my reaction. 


That's what it is. Pride. They are proud of me, their accomplishments, their dreams, everything they've done. There's that word again. Everything.

"Do you like it?" Celine asks.

"YES! I love it!" I almost scream.

"Haha, I guess I didn't even need to ask." Celine and Law laugh. 

"Can I try it on?"

"Not until you have to perform tonight, rehearsals first." Law replies. 

"Awe." I say, not being able to wait much longer.

"Well let's get going." Celine says.

Celine and I walk to the stage 

It's dark in the audience, we walk on and they turn on the spotlights above. 

Celine walks over to me, "So what do you want to sing?"

"Um, how about we sing 'It's All Coming Back To Me Now'?"

"Sure, I like that. Scott, start playing."


"There were nights when the wind was so cold, and my body froze in bed if I just listen to it right outside my window."

"There were days when the sun was so cruel, all the tears stunned to death and I just knew my eyes were drying up forever."


We finish the song and Celine stares at me shocked. Everyone starts clapping. I look around me and off stage. The dancers are also cheering. "Shania. You have a talent and you are going to use it. I don't care what you say."

"Thanks Celine."

"No, I'm serious. Would you ever want a singing career?"

"Yes, I've thought about it."

Rene comes walking over from the tech crew in the back. 

He speaks, "Shania, you were so amazing. When I hear it I know, you have a talent and like Celine said, you are going to use it if you want to."

"I would love to sing but I don't want to be a hassle for the both of you. You've already done so much for me."

"Shania, it wouldn't be a problem. You are the next generation, I'll be going out soon and you'll be coming in." Celine says.

"Well, I accept your offer." I smile. Everyone starts to cheer.

"Ok cool, let's go get dressed and start letting people in." Celine says to me. "EVERYONE LET'S HAVE ANOTHER AMAZING SHOW TONIGHT, LOVE YOU ALL AND GOOD LUCK!" Celine yells so all of her crew can hear her.

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