Chapter 23

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"Celine! It's in his pocket, right side. I saw him put it in there as a thought back to when he first came down." I say as giddy as  possible.

"Oh yeah!" Celine runs over and snatches it out of his pocket and tosses it to me. 

I lead and catch the keys then run towards the door. I shove they key in the lock in one swift movement and "WE ARE OUT CELINE WE ARE OUT!" I yell to her and run over to her while we both start to cry our hearts out. "Celine, I know we just want to collapse into puddles right now but we need to find our phones and hopefully there is connection out here so we can call Joe. Let's go!" 

I sprint around the main level of the house trying to find his room. I run up the stairs and see it. I examine the pictures to make sure this is more than likely his room. I run to his dresser and look in the top drawer and grab both of our phones. I don't have Joe's phone number so I go into Celine's phone and call Joe. 

"JOE! It's me Shania!" I start to cry out of joy and happiness.

"Shania! Since you are on the phone let me track it. We are on our way."

"Ok, I can't wait to get home to you all."

"Um, something happened..." He says somberly. 

"No! What?"

"Rene had another heart  attack. Don't tell Celine..." We lost connection.

I run down the stairs, I hope Rene is ok. Celine and him need each other. "Celine! I found them, I already called Joe and he's tracking the phone since it's now turned on and he's going to save us. The ride out here wasn't too long so."

"Oh! I can't wait to be in Rene's arms again!" Celine yells in excitement. 

Uh oh. I want to tell her but I can't. She won't be able to take it well and let's just hope that Joe is the first one to find us and not someone else.


I hear the sound of an engine and peer out the window. "Celine! Joe is here!"

Joe gets out of the vehicle and I run into his arms and start to sob! "Joe! I'm so glad to see someone I know and get out of this hell hole."

Celine comes running out while sobbing. "Joe!"

We all collapse in each others arms. "Where's Rene?"

"H-He's back home."

"Oh I can't wait to get back to him!"

"Then let's go."

We all pile in the Cadillac and get on our way trying to leave the least amount of tracks possible. 

Freedom. Freedom. It feels so good. 


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