Chapter 24

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We get into town and I see our house, Celine's...

"Where are we going?" Celine asks with an edge of terror in her voice. 

"Rene had a heart attack this morning." Joe says bluntly.

A sob breaks out throughout the vehicle. "Rene! Is he ok? My baby! Where's RC, Eddy, and Nelson?"

"He's ok, and RC is at the hospital while the twins are at home with Linda." 

It is silent the rest of the ride to the hospital. RC, I can't wait to see him. But I also need to know that Rene is ok, he's always treated me like a daughter and he's like a father that I've lost through the years but is now finding his way back. 

We arrive at the hospital and Celine and I race to the building with Joe attempting to keep up. 

"Room number for Rene Angelil." Celine asks the lady in the front desk who now has a look of shock upon her face due to "The" Celine Dion standing in front of her. "Hurry up!" I blurt out, seeing that she kept glancing up at Celine and I. 

"Sorry, number 128. Down the hall on the left side." Before the lady could finish we are both racing to the room. 

We make it and see the door. 128. My family is behind that door. We walk in eagerly.

"Rene!" "Celine!" They yell to each other and Celine falls into his arms. 

"I missed you so much! Your scent, your touch, your voice, everything. I love you so much and I will always protect you."

"Where's RC?" I say kind of quietly, not wanting to take too much away from the moment. 

"He just went to the restroom, I think Celine should stand right by the door so she's the first one he sees and then when he asks for you, she'll point in the room." Rene says with a smirk. "And come here!" he says almost in tears. I go over to him and hug him. 

"I missed you so much Shania." 

"I missed you too. I love all of you guys so much I say looking up at everyone."

"I'm going to walk out the door and stand by it to greet RC, I can't wait to see my baby boy." says Celine. 

She walks out the door. 

Ten minutes later the door opens and I see his face. I run over to him and jump in his arms. He holds me while we sob. "I missed you so much baby." he says.

"I missed you too! I love you so much!" I sob even louder into his shoulder. We hang onto each other for dear life. "I missed you and I'll never let you go." I'll never let you go, he said. I believe that. With each and every ounce in my body. I believe. I believe a lot of things. Some may be real and others not, but this is real. I feel his joy and it radiates. I can't believe I'm finally home. Home, that's a nice word. Home. It's when you have a feeling of importance within a group of people. Like when you go buy a house, it's a house. But it's the people inside that make it a home. All the times you share together, laughing, having fun. But the times that you struggle, you're there for each other. Some days you just want to go home, whether it's because it's a good or a bad day. It's because they are the people who are always there for you. They are your family. Never leave them. No matter what, death, destruction, earthly domination. Never leave home.


I will be ending this story until further notice. Although! I will be writing another Celine fanfic. I just feel as though I have no where else to go with this story with all that has happened. Love all of you! Please keep reading my stories and voting! It's much appreciated.

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