Chapter 9

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Rene took off to go and sign the papers so that Celine and him could have custody of me. I'm overjoyed. Although, it will be hard to get over the loss of Lisa. She was my everything, and now my everything has changed. It will be different but it will be good. 

RC walks over to me on the couch, "Hey, how are you doing?" 

"I'm doing ok. I guess." I shrug. It's now 5:00 at night. I decide to text Allyson and Tina about what happened. 

(text message conversation)

S-Hey guys.

A-hey girl hey! what's up?

T-hey you guys!

S-umm, Lisa passed away this morning.....

T-oh no! where are you going to live! i'm so sorry boo

A-no way! sorry for the loss, who's going to take care of you?

S-remember that kid that was staring at me during our match a few days ago?

A and T- yes

S-well we started to date and for our first date we had dinner at his house. now i don't know if I should be telling you this but his mom is Celine Dion. She said she would take me in. so, please don't freak out.

A-girl! why didn't you tell us about you and him and OH MY GOD im so happy for you...that you'll now be living with them! 

T-no way! that's so cool, still though. sorry about Lisa.

(end of text message conversation)

I look at RC. "hey RC."

"Yeah Shan?"

"I think I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long day as you know."

"Yes Shan, would you like me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"

"No, I think I should be ok. I love you RC." 

"I love you too Shan, more than you will ever know. If you need something just yell ok?"

"Ok, goodnight." I walk to my room.

It feels strange sleeping here, knowing I've never slept here before and that I only know these people through what I've seen in interviews, documents, and in writing. They are so humble and kind, they care so much for me yet they barely know me. I will never be able to thank them enough. I love them all.

I think about what has happened these past few days, especially today, and wonder what my tomorrows will be filled with. Joy? Happiness? Peace? One will never know until we live it. It's a mystery but I guess I will have to live each day to the fullest. I've dealt with death two too many times, it's taken away the people I love the most. I guess I can be thankful that they are now happy and as free as they want to be and that it has lead me to RC, Rene, and most of all Celine. They are my new everything. Everything. That's a refreshing word. They are more than what I asked for and more than what I needed but they are my all.


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