Chapter 20

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We finish eating in silence. I get up from the table and take both of our plates and walk over to the sink with them. I start to wash them then dry them and put them back in the cupboard.

"Always be connected baby, you're like a button on my sleeve. And this lullaby......"

Celine starts to sing 'Always Be Your Girl'. I melt on the inside. I hope she gets back to her family soon, I hope I get back to them soon. Since we are all are family now.

"Shania, I feel like I have no purpose to live anymore. I feel like they've already given up before they've even started."

"No they haven't, I know that as a fact. Rene loves you so much, your guys' love is so deep and pure....Maybe not pure." I laugh at my own joke hoping that she understands it.

"No! Haha! I can't believe you just said that Shan!" Celine collapses to the floor in laughter.

" About that, I don't even know where to go after that."

Celine slowly gets up off the floor trying to regain her breath again. "I mean, there is only so much we can do. Go to bed? Like normal?"

I sigh, knowing she's right on the nothing to do part, "I guess so."

We walk into the bedroom even though it's only 7:00pm. "Goodnight Celine! I love you so much!"

"Goodnight hun, love you too."

"Oh wait! I should ask him for some more medicine and say that I don't think I'm able to sleep unless I have it. But wait, how do I ask him?"

Right at that moment I hear the door open. I slowly ease myself out of the room acting as though I'm in a lot of pain. 

Then he speaks, "Awe what's wrong?"

"My head still really hurts."

"Did the medicine not work?"

"It did for a little bit but then it got worse."

"Ok, I'll get you some more, I'll be right back."

"Ok, thanks."

He runs up the stairs and grabs some medicine. 

"Here you go Shania," he then hands me two pills. 

"Thanks." I say with a weak smile.

He then walks up the steps, "Goodnight."

He walks through the door and locks it.

I go running back into the room to see Celine standing by her bed attempting to peek out the door. "It worked!" I yell. 

"Shhh...remember?" She laughs.

"Maybe, whoops." I laugh quietly then set the pills in my drawer along with the other two. 

"Four." I say proudly.

"That's good, I hope our idea works. I need to get out."

"She says the last part so it's barely audible.

"Goodnight," I sit on my bed and roll over then I'm off to a peaceful sleep knowing that I'm one step closer to RC. 

My love.


I'm walking out in the middle of a field. "RC?" I call out. 

"Here," RC says over to my right and I look over to see him searching the ground hard.

"Find anything?" I say desperately wanting to see my love again.

"No," RC says with a sigh. I know how badly he misses Shania. I miss my daughter. 

"I feel like we will never find them!" I scream.

"Dad, we can't give up hope. Don't cry."

"Oh great, he noticed me crying. Shit."

RC runs over to me and envelopes me in a hug. I could collapse right about now. I melt in my sons arms knowing that we need to keep each other strong in this time of struggle and pain.

"We will find them soon, I know we will." He says.

"I hope so, I can't go much longer without your mother in my arms. I miss her scent and her gentle touch."

"I know. I miss Shania so much. She deserves so much good in her life but this isn't good."

"I know, she's had such a hard life and I feel like enough is enough!" He screams.

"I know, I know..." I say almost silent. I know... 

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