Chapter 11

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We all go and get changed then lay out by the pool in our backyard. 

"Hey Shania!" Celine yells coming this way.


"I'm coming over, don't let RC sit next to you. I want to sit by you and we can talk."

"Ok, I will."

Hmm, what does she want to talk about? I hope she's not going to tell me that Rene and her changed their minds. Oh no.

Celine walks over and sits down next to me. 

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I ask, worried at her response.

"Well, I was wondering. Do you sing or dance?"

"I like to sing, I don't think I'm great but everyone says I am. And yes, I can dance. I used to take lessons and love to do it in my free time," I smile.

"Would you like to maybe sing a duet with me tonight? I completely understand if you don't want to. There would be no hard feel..."

"Yes! I would love to!!!!" I cut her off. "Sorry for cutting you off but you don't have to ask me twice. It would be an honor."

"Ok great, so you will follow me around rehearsal. Then when I'm performing you and RC can hang out back stage. Would you like to possibly be a back up dancer when I'm in need of a fill-in or replacement?"

"Oh I would love to do that and yes, that would be a lot of fun," I'm ecstatic. 

"Well look at the time, it's already 2:00pm. We should get going to rehearsal soon."

"Will Law be there?"

"Yes he will! He has a surprise for you when you get there."

"I can't wait!"

We walk back to the house to get changed in some better clothing. I haven't made any stops back to my old house...where I now have nothing, but wait I have Anyways, so Celine has given me some clothing she hasn't worn lots. Soon I will have to go back there but not yet. It's too hard for me to be there and know that there is nothing left for me there besides my belongings. One of my aunts friends is going to take the house, only because there is no family to take it, or any that would want it.

I go upstairs with Celine and we walk our separate ways to our rooms, hers on the right, and mine on the left. I go into the bathroom to shower, when I see a note on my says, "You are not their child and never will be. You are mine and I want you back." 

I scream as loud as I can, I walk to my window to see the glass shattered and the curtains billowing. Celine comes running in, "Oh my gosh what happened! Are you ok?!" 

I point towards my window then show her the note that was left on my mirror. She reads it out loud, "You are not their child and never will be. You are mine and I want you back." I start to cry, I feel threatened. I've finally found my family and I'm scared I'm going to lose it. Celine hugs me. Why today...I lost the last piece of my everything just yesterday, why now...

RC comes running in. I go and sit on my bed while hugging my pillow, Celine tells RC what happened.

"Honey, I don't want to freak you out, but from now on RC is sleeping in here with you in case anything were to happen. I trust you two. Are you ok with that?" Celine asks solemnly.

"Y-yeah, I g-guess so." I stutter, scared for my own well being. 

"I never want you to be alone. From now on someone always has to be with you. I guess I can't trust those in this world anymore..." Celine sighs in defeat.

"What about the show?" 

"We still have to do it. Well, I do. I completely understand if you don't want to."

"No, I want to. It will make me feel better."

"Ok hun, let's go to my room and get ready. I'll call Mike to get a hold of someone to fix this window."

We walk across the hall to Celine and Rene's room. I wonder what Rene will say when he gets back, he had to go to work for a while to get things cleared up for Celine's show tonight. I try to forget about what just happened...but if it becomes a normal occurrence, we have problems.

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