Chapter 18

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I hear the front door being opened and shuffling feet so I decide to walk down to the main level. Before I go down at look at myself in our dresser mirror. I look terrible. My eyes are red and swollen, it looks like I've been through a hurricane and back and I've barely even started this journey. Oh Lord, oh please dear Lord, bring my girl back to me, her family. I pray hard. 

I've spent enough time up here wondering how I can for go the process of telling everyone what happened. I slowly walk out of our room and stop. I look towards Celine's side of the bed and sigh, "I can't wait until you come home. Baby, I love you." I feel a tear come down my cheek, I turn back around and see RC standing there. He's as still as a statue. "RC, you need to be strong, I'll explain when we go down...."

"No! What happened to mom!" 

"Just wait until we get downstairs so I can say it all at once."

"NO! She is my mother! I need to know! I should be told before you have to go tell them!"

"She was kidnapped....and."

"And what! Where's Shania?"


"Speak up...."

"Kidnapped, with your mother......"

"NO!" RC slams his hand into the wall and starts to sob. 

"Come here." Rene says then starts to cry himself. 

"I want them back."

"So do I. And we will find them. I promise."

They sob into each others arms. At this point, the stereotypes of what a man is doesn't matter. A man is someone who cares for their family. Blood related or not. A man doesn't shy away from a problem. A man is..."Rene!!!!" 

"What is it Joe?"

"I got a tracking from Celine's phone."

"Ok, that's a good thing. I need to go down and now explain to everyone what has occurred." Rene says with a sniffle.

He walks down the stairs and everyone is watching..."So, I'm going to get straight to the point. Celine and Shania were kidnapped."

A hysterical sob breaks through Celine and Rene's family. "We need to go find her." Michael says in a blunt tone with silent tears streaming down his face. 

"We will. That's why all of you are here. We need to back track and find as many clues as possible."

"I'm in" "I'm in" "I'm in"

The mosh pit of voices say. "Good." I say as sternly as I can. Mike isn't going to get away with this. That bastard is going to hell.

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