Chapter 15

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Celine and I are scared out of our wits. We huddle next to eachother for comfort as we are following him through his house. He leads us to a door. He takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks it...NO! My head is screaming. He can't lock us down there! "Go in." He says solemnly...this man has no heart. We walk in hesitantly at first, "GO!" He screams, "Can't you see I'm trying to help you?" We walk faster...down the stairs. That's strange, it looks kind've like a house. When you walk in there is a small living room and kitchen, then off to the side there are two doors. Inside the one door it look like a bedroom and the other looks like a bathroom. We walk in further knowing we have no choice. Why is there a door next to the stairwell......I don't know if I want to find out. Shit. This place is clean. Celine and I look at eachother then Mike speaks up, "This is where you guys are going to live. Give me your phones now." We slowly take them out and at this point I'm just hoping Celine texted Joe soon enough. We hand them over, my whole world in slow motion. "Ok, good. I'm going now. Bye." He smile and walks away. That pisses me off, he smiled because we are now his "toys" or what? I run to Celine and collapse in her arms. We sob into eachother for probably a good hour. 

I go and sit down on the couch. "What has my life turned into." I cry. 

"Hun, we are going to make it through this. We have each other. I never wanted this to happen to you let alone it did, I've failed." Celine starts to sob. I walk over to her on the chair and sit down next to her. "Celine, this wasn't your fault. If we didn't do it he would've killed us. You saw the gun and so did I, so would you rather get out of this dead? Or alive?"

"We will get out of this alive because this bastard is going to pay the price for doing this to us.

It's now 11:30pm and I'm not hungry. "Celine? Are you hungry?"

"No." She says in a blunt tone. "MY BOYS!" She cries out in agony. I run over to her. "Celine ssshhhh. It will be ok. Rene is there. They will come save us." Celine's sobs are unbearable to listen to. I comfort her in a hug. I feel bad because she has me, but it's not the same. I had nothing to lose and she has everything. It's a good thing she is as famous as she is because I could guess that groups upon groups of fans will be looking for us. "Honey, we've had a long day. Let's go to bed and hope things will get better." I say. 

"Ok." Celine sulks. I've never seen her this upset before. It hurts me. I don't like to see her this way, I don't think anyone does. Except this guy. We walk to our rooms. He has lots of clothing in the closets and even though we are still in the clothing we performed in, we go to sleep in what we are wearing. "Celine, we have each other and I know we will make it through this. I love you."

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