Chapter 21

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Well well. It's another morning stuck in this dungeon. I look over to Celine to see her waking up. "Good morning love." She says.

"Hey. So you should go to him today and pretend you are sick." I tell her slyly.

"Maybe, I just don't want him to catch on."

"Agh, I don't think he will. We are still too new for him to know how much we are actually sick or in pain."

"Ok, I'll do it. I would doubt that he would realize." She says while getting up from bed.

"It's just that he has to come down today. Oh! And when he does we could ask him if he wants to come down at a certain time and sit and hang out and we will make fruit punch!"

"Yes! That's a great idea."

"Ok, so let's have that be the plan."


"OW!" I scream due to an agonizing pain in my left arm. Oh no.

"What dad what?!" RC comes running into my room and straight over to me. 

"I think I'm having another heart attack." I say at barely a croak.

"I'll go get Joe."

RC sprints out of the room to find Joe. I attempt to crawl out of the bed and when I do I collapse to the floor. I can't get up.

"Sir, RC and I will get you to the hospital." Joe says in a slightly panicked voice.

They run over to me and grab, me one on each side, under my arms. I slowly stand up with their help and the pain keeps getting worse. "Ouch!" I scream in agony again. 

"We are almost there," says Joe as we make it out to the car.

I get into the backseat as RC is in the passenger with Joe at the wheel. They speed off to the hospital as I hold my arm in excruciating pain. 

We arrive and the doctors and nurses lead me into the emergency room. They tell me to change into a gown and access what happened and how bad it was. 


The doctor arrives back in the room while RC and Joe sit at my sides. "So sir, you suffered a heart attack," says the doctor. Which is exactly what I assumed since I've had one before. 

"You need to keep as much stress out of your life as possible."

"Um, do you know what's going on in my life sir?"

"Uh, no."

"My fucking wife and daughter were kidnapped!" I say getting upset. The heart monitor shows that I'm getting upset by him and I hope he sees that.

"Sir, you need to calm down."

"I can't!" I burst into tears. "I'll leave you three alone." And he walks out of the room.

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