Chapter 8

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We arrive at RC's house. My sobs have died down and now it's just the tears streaming down my face silently. I get out of the vehicle when RC opens my door. He grabs my hand and we walk to the front door together. I feel empty. Nothing. There it is again! Why is that the one word I can use that describes everything! We reach the front door together. RC opens it and has me go in first, I see Celine waiting for us. I run up to her, I wrap my arms around her so tight. We hold onto each other like it's the last time we will ever see each other. 

We let go and I look at her in eyes. I speak in a somber voice, "What am I going to do. I have no where to live. I have no one to take care of me. I have no one to pay for my stuff. I have no money. I have no mother. I have no father. I have no family. And better yet, I am now no one." 

I start to sob again and Celine grabs my hands and holds them. "Shania, look at me. You have us. You can live with us. We can take care of you. We can pay for everything you need. I will be your mother and Rene can be your father. We can be your family. And you know what? You can be our daughter. The daughter I've always wanted." I look at her.

"Celine you can't do that. You barely know me and what if you have to go to court and fight for custody of me so I don't go to a girls home or an orphanage. It will ruin your career and public image. You can't have that happen." 

"Shania, listen to me. Right now you are more important than my public image, Rene and I have already talked about it and he will go down to sign papers and any legal documents that are needed. He will go right now if this is what you want. We barely know you but would be more than thankful if you would want to join our family. You and RC might be dating but basically you would be living with us and we would be paying for your wants and needs. So that way if you and RC happen to get married it wouldn't be like you are marrying a "step" sibling."

"I would love to be apart of your family, I can't believe you guys are doing all of this for me."

"We have an extra bedroom upstairs that you can have. You can decorate it however you want."

I run over to Celine and start to cry again, not for what I've lost, but for what I've gained. Yes, it's going to be hard to not have Lisa in my life anymore, but will I make it? Yes, yes I will. I have everything. Everything. Now that's a better word than nothing. Everything is like when you make a sandwich and you put everything you want into it. It's like when you have homework from school in every subject. It's when you have everything you need and more. Everything. That's what I have. 

Celine yells to Rene, "Honey, Shania said she would love to live with us and have us take care of her!" Rene comes running down the steps. I run towards him and hug him so tight, I thank him for everything. Rene then says, "ok guys, I'm leaving now." 

I walk towards RC and whisper in his ear, "I have everything."


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