Chapter 22

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Celine and I finish getting ready and guess who just came down. Mike. 

We talked to him and are going to all sit and hang out at 3:00pm for some fruit punch. Celine told him she had really bad cramps and he believed it so he went and got her two pills....our plan is working. 

"So Shania? How are we planning to do this, you know we only have and hour and a half until he comes down."

"I know Celine." I walk over to her so it's easier for me to whisper instead of yelling it and taking the chance that he might hear me. "We are going to make fruit punch, like now, so we can put all six pills in there and hopefully kill him with an overdose. I doubt he'll be suspicious of anything but you never know. We have to be careful."

"Shania. I hope this works. It's a good thing I trust you so much."

"It will. Just watch and learn," I say with a wink while walking off to the kitchen.

Ok, where's that fruit punch mix I saw the other day....Here it is. I grab it and walk over to the sink then fill a pitcher with water. I dump the mix into the pitcher and stir it until it is dissolved. "Last step...want to join?" I say to Celine with a smirk. 

"Let's do this." She says while walking over. 

We grab three cups out of the cupboard to our right and pour the mix in them. We purposely chose a blue glass for Mike and clear for us. I hope he doesn't notice. 

"I'll go get them." I run off to my room becoming more hopeful and anxious as the time ticks by. I grab the six pills from my drawer and go back to the kitchen. 

"Do you want to help do the honors?" I ask Celine.

"Yes ma'am." Celine says and I can tell the hope she has inside is killing her. I hope this works, not just for her sake but for mine.

We each take three and put them in the blue glass. One by one. 

Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink.

Celine and I look at each other then pick up the three glasses and set them on the table awaiting his arrival. 

Just so he doesn't get the wrong glass we both sit down with ours. We wait. The suspense killing us. I hear the door creak, "Hello ladies."

"Hi Mike." We say in unison hoping we don't sound too cheerful.

"How are you ladies?"

"We are good." We say with a half smile trying not to be too happy.

"Good, I'm glad." He says then sits down with the blue glass. YES! He takes a sip. YES! I can't believe he trusted us. 

"Mmmm, this is really good. It has a different flavor to it, I wonder why." He says as a statement but it sounded more like a question.

"Oh, it might just be the difference in the amount of water we added or amount of the mix." I say as though I was surprised. "But you like it?" I say again with a smile. 

"Yes I love it." He says and guzzles the rest. 

Exactly what we wanted to happen. Celine and Rene need each other so I hope this works.

All of a sudden his head tilts to the side and he falls off of his chair.

Now we kill him...I run to the bathroom and rip the curtain rod out of the wall with all of my strength. I jab it into his chest three times and finally on the third try I hit his heart. "YES!" I scream and look over to see Celine seated in the same place she was when he was alive, but this time with shock written all over her face. 

"Now how do we get out?" I ask wondering how I just did that knowing I'll have guilt all my life...

My escape, it's almost here. I smile like a complete idiot. 

How do we escape...

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