Darkness Rising

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"Maybe a bit more like this blue."

"No way, it's totally this one!"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, just look!"

"Well what about the other one? I think it's mostly this color."

"No no, that purple doesn't go with it at all. it's This one."

"Miko I think your eye's need checked."

"Well I think you need new glasses."


Sitting outside of Jasper High Nevada, sat two girls who had  identical facial and body structures. One was Miko Nakadai; She had  black hair with pink bangs and tips with a singular pink strand.  Adorning her body was a pink undershirt and a blue tanktop with a green  monster. Upon her hips sat a yellow belt with two chibi bears holding up  dark blue jean shorts. Blue and purple ringed leggings sat securely  over her legs and over her feet was black boots with pink shoe laces.  Her hair, fashioned with two puffy pigtails, a low pony tail in the  back, and banged swept to the left side of her face. Her backpack was  black and pink with tons of miscellaneous items.

The other was Mika Nakadai; She had black silky hair with purple  streaks. Adorning her body was a dark faded blue baggy long sleeved  shirt *the top buttons unbuttoned and showing a dark purple tank  underneath* tucked into ripped black jean shorts. Over that was a black  and silver studded punk belt with a chibi wolf, He hair was messily put  into a pony tail, some strands falling into her face. Her eyes, while  Miko's was brown, was gold. Adorning her feet were the same boots as  Miko's but with dark purple laces. Adorning her face was black rimmed  glasses and a strawberry pocky that she never seemed to run out of. Her  backpack was black and purple with tons of miscellaneous items and her  never ending supply of pocky.

Before them on the large stone slab railway of the stairs, was two  sketch pads and color's pencils. Upon the sketch pads were the current  object's they were staring at.

On Miko's was a cute drawing of a blue motorcycle and on Mika's was a more expertly sketched purple motorcycle.


They both looked down at the papers, glaring at it before back up only to find the blue one gone.

"Hey, where did it go?"

Mika looked around curiously before she spoke. "There." She told Miko  as the Motorcycle rode around the corner with a girl on it they never  seen before.

"Lets go check it out!"

She was about to loyally follow her twin sister only to pause at the  purple bike. "One day I'll have a cool bike like you." She murmured  before turning and following her twin.

As she approached she heard Miko exclaimed "Dude go with!"

Curiously, Mika rounded the corner and stopped dead in her tracks as a  large blue, grey, and pink robot stood tall in front of a boy.


"Scrap." The female bot sighed before putting her hand to the side of  her head. "Chromia, I need you to come get one of the girls.."

"... Let me guess, they saw?" A female voice asked back.

"They saw.."


The next thing Mika knew the boy hopped on the now bike a long with Miko. "HEY! Miko!"

Before Mika could follow, the purple bike from before skidded to a halt in front of her.

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