Captivity; Shadow Zone

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"Let me out!" Mika shouted for the umpteenth time. She'd been flung into this prison, into this...jar about a day or so ago. She was cold, scared, and she continuously wondered if the others had gotten to safety.

Did they live?

Were they... killed?


She cringed as she covered her face as memories of the day she was thrown in came forth, willing back her tears.

She wanted Miko... She wanted Grimlock... but most of all she found herself wanting, not Chromia, but Ratchet. He'd been there since Chromia abandoned her, distracting her and teaching her anything he could. She thought he had hated her and the others for a while.

She was almost convinced.


When he had began trying to cheer her up she saw another side to him.

A side that was gentle and calm.

A groan sounded from the other side of her room from her guard, His screams were still in her head from the first day in this hell hole.

She didn't like him really but... She wouldn't wish pain on anyone.

His plea's for forgiveness rang through her head.

Begging for mercy and only getting cruel laughter in return.

"Stop." She whispered, covering her ears. "I don't want to hear..."

She tapped her foot to make some kind of noise, even began humming a song that her and Chromia would listen to on the radio all the time.

She wished she was back at the base playing a racing game with Raf, Miko and Jack... Back teaching Grimlock human ways and laughing as Ratchet tried teaching him Cybertronian ways. Grimlock biting Ratchets digit all the time when frustrated, or singing Bulkheads aft when Bulkhead would accidentally step on his tail... Racing with the twins and always picking Sunstreaker, promising waxes and car washes as rewards for kicking tailpipe. Even listening to Ratchet's incessant typing on his computer that would be very distracting when doing her homework.

"Will you stop that!?" His once strong voice was weak and annoyed and startled her from her tapping and thoughts.


"Why what?"

"Why do you put up with being beaten?"

"... I don't have to answer to you."

"Why stay in a place that hurts you all the time?"

Starscream glared at the human, annoyed at her talking, Annoyed with himself for even listening to her talking. "I have better things to do then listen to you." He grumbled as he stood, sending one last glare at the human before walking off and leaving her alone in the dark.




"..." Miko glared around her, she was in a terrible mood.

Could one blame her?

Her twin was missing, Bulkhead couldn't keep her calm, Jack was cleaning, Raf was crying every now and then being comforted by Bumblebee who blamed himself for the entire thing, Sunstreaker was even more quiet then normal, Sides wasn't as cheery and when he was it was fake. Riptide and Lockjaw wouldn't leave their cages and refused to eat... Grimlock was constantly causing problems in his angered search for his creator and Optimus was running patrols whenever he got the chance, he felt guilty for not being at the base to stop what happened.

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