Flying Mind and How She Fell part 2

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"Do you feel it?"

"I do.. but how?" Chromia growled as she lowered her weapon, these fleshlings before her had claimed to be her own. Of which she did not believe but right now, this feeling, was all the proof she could ask for! Deep within her dark spark was a connection that only could be formed with sparklings. But HOW were these... disgusting creatures her sparklings? She didn't ever remember being with anybot let alone HAVING them. "I do not recall ever having a sparkmate to do such a thing."

"You do." Miko replied. "Though your sparkmate isn't our Sire."

"You make no sense human."

"Before you were to bond with your... current sparkmate. You and your sisters went to celebrate." Miko explained.

"Long story short. You drank to much, you and Sire had a fling and you ran the morning after." Mika snapped angrily.

"And WHO is your Sire?"


"Impossible!" Chromia laughed ruefully. "That sparkless mech interfacing with anyone let alone going to a... club?"

"Buzzsaw eject!" Mika snarled and her bird like Cassette ejected from her belt, feeling his creators fury as he landed on her shoulder with a loud hawk like shriek.

"Woah!" Miko reared back, "What the hell Mika?!"

"Impossible." Chromia breathed, only Soundwave had this Cassettes frame but the last time she saw it, the thing was not alive. Only one of Soundwaves lineage could activate a cassette he himself designed. This... this was impossible. Unlikely! Illogical!

"My designation." Mika started, "Is Soulspark! And beside me is BleakMelody! WE are your creations, yours and Soundwaves! YOU!" She barked angrily "So angry were you that you had a moment of weakness through the highgrade, disgusted at the one you interfaced with, you tried to kill us off. Horrified at the creations within your frame. Yet you failed to kill us and we were saved by another. Sent off to this planet."

"We absorbed the nearest life form to fit it." Miko continued. "Human, and changed to fit in. To hide among them in plain sight. Only, we're trapped as humans now."

"Human yet not." Mika finished, Buzzsaw tense on her shoulder with her whirlwind of emotions.

"No." Chromia denied. "Even Decepticons would never try to offline a sparkling."

"You did."

"You were an Autobot."

"I would never be one of those worthless scrap heaps!"

"and you were going to sparkbond with one! Ironhide, his designation is Ironhide. He was missing and you left us to go find him. We were told you died yet here you are, on the other side. What would he think of you now 'Mia?"

"Stop calling me that!"

"Why?" Mika challenged. "Does it bother you? Does it? Mia?"

Chromia snarled, slamming her servo next to the child who did not even flinch, but something in her processor was keeping her from trying to harm the girl. Something... so familiar about those defiant golden eyes that burned into her very spark. She furrowed her brow as images began flashing in her helm every time the child called her that nickname. What were these?



"Your mine forever Mia." A mech stood before her, giving off a gentle smile as they calmed from their previous euphoric feelings.

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