Loose Cannons, Meet Ironhide.

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An; Even though the Title says its the Loose Cannons episode, I'm doing it a bit differently! This is just things that are happening during that episode. ALSO Picture does not belong to me! I found it on google! YAY GOOGLE!

No matter how tired she was, no matter how weak she was feeling, she had to help. She struggled to get up to her feat, struggled to regain her breathing. Not that it mattered, seeing as the air they had was running out... She had to save him, tears pricked her eyes as she gasped and panted while lifting the large rocks away. She could hear the gears within his arms and legs groaning in protest at the weight he was holding up, she could see the pained expressions he thought he hid from her.

"Just stop." His voice run out through her struggling.

She had to save him... "I can't." She whimpered, breaths becoming shorter and shorter. "I have to get you out of here Bulk..."

She fought for strength, struggled to move the rocks out of the way as each breath grew harsher and harsher... each passing moment Bulkhead grew weaker and fearful...

Fearful of loosing his charge, of the one who meant the most to him.


"I can't stop Bulkhead!" She told him, collapsing at one point. She was frightened and panicking.


They were going to suffocate down there


Down in the dark...




"You fell..." Mika pointed out bluntly before she giggled as she looked down at her twin. "You were dreaming again."

"Nightmare." Miko muttered, looking up from the heap on the floor to her vanity and spying the picture of her and Bulkhead in human form. Even though it had been a while since they had gotten trapped underground she still had nightmares. Not that Bulkhead needed to know that...

She was afraid of dying, but most of all, she had been afraid of losing Bulkhead. She could still feel her heart clenching painfully when Starscream showed... when they couldn't find help for him.

"Was it the same one?" Mika got up from the bed, her hair disheveled and eyes squinting. She had yet to put on her glasses.


"I ship just so you know."

"Shut up or I'll start on you and Ratchet! Better yet, you and Rowen."

Mika grumbled to herself. Rowen was a very flirty guy, he never fell for any of the girls and their batting of eyelashes. No, instead he kept his eyes on her only. Mika hated to admit it but she was beginning to have a crush on the boy, much to Ratchets displeasure.

"You up for today?" Mika countered.

"You bet!" Miko grinned. Today the kids, Ratchet (Yes, Ratchet), Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee were going to have a paintball war.

Prowl, Optimus, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe were back at the base.

"Great! Cause their outside, right now, waiting." Mika shoved past Miko to get ready.

"Hey!" Miko shouted. "You so cheated!" She scrambled after her twin noisily, the two racing for the bathroom.

Mika, with loud giggles, was ahead of Miko and was able to skid into the bathroom. However, before she could shut the door Miko slammed into her due to them both wearing socks.

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