Powers and Sick mind part 1

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An; Mkay I'm just warning you, I'm mixing the episodes up a little. I'm doing a re-cap of a few eps but I'm taking the Wheeljack episode and moving it to AFTER Sick mind and such so it'll be a bitttt off. Just roll with it ;)



Bang bang!

"Very good!"

"That's nothing!"

Bang bang pow!

"You ready for this?"

"Yeah! Go 'mia!"

Boom boom pow!

A bright explosion lit the area causing Mika to grin, "Awesome!"

Chromia, who was smirking and blowing the smoke from her cannons away, put her free servo on her hip. "Show me what you got."

"Okay!" Mika pulled out a weapon her and Chromia made together and aimed for the target.

Ratatattata POW!

The target blue up in a flurry of dark purple light.

"Woahhhhh" Mika grinned. "It worked!"

"Not bad. Not bad at all, Ironhide would love you." Chromia smiled sadly.

"Yea?" Mika smiled sadly at her guardian.

"Yea..." Chromia looked upwards, to the stars.

Mika noticed her doing that quite often.

"You miss him?"

"More then ever."

''Were you guys married?"


Mika blinked. "Uhm... oh what did Ratchet say that was... oh! Ah Sparkmates?"

"Yeah... He's out there somewhere... I just know it. Searching every star and planet..."

"And blowing things up."

Chromia gave a sad smile. "Yes... and blowing things up."

Mika watched Chromia before looking up to the stars as well, sending a prayer to God that where ever Ironhide was he and Chromia would unite again...



"Oh yeah, he was a softy when it comes to sparklings and younglings. I've never seen a hardened warrior crumble into a pile of goo like he did when he met Bee. Back then, he would call Ironhide Uncle Hide."

Mika laughed, trying to picture a mini Bumblebee looking up at a large burly grey/black bot with his innocent and large blue Optics.

"I can't picture Bee's voice but... I can picture him small."

"Even people who hadn't met Bee when he was young can picture him young. He's got that attribute about him."

Mika nodded in agreement.

"Well, well, well. What do we here?"

Mika jumped at the familiar voice as Starscream appeared before them, transforming in the air before landing expertly.

Behind him a purple/blue colored flying con transformed into the bot Mika saw before. She felt that pulse feel again and a door being ripped open.

Emotions washed over her.


"Starscream." Mika gulped as she hid behind Chromia's pede.

"Soundwave." Chromia hissed, her voice filled with so much malice and hatred it made Mika glance up at her bot in concern.

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