Captivity; Operation Breakdown

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"-and that's how I defeated Scarecrow. Weird name, I know."

Mika listened to Breakdown talking to her, she didn't know why he bothered. She was after all, on the Autobot side.


Breakdown and Knockout weren't to bad of guys once you got to know them a little... They were pretty decent actually. She had taken a liking to Breakdown the most, everyone was noticing that as well. So while she was in Con captivity Breakdown would be her guardian. Mika knew that Megatron wanted her on his side for her abilities and she knew that he would try for Miko when he could seeing as her abilities were awakening as well.

"Can you hand me that?"



"... I can't reach it."

Mika, unthinkingly, used her ability to get the tool Knockout needed so he could continue fixing up Breakdowns armor. Said con had just returned from a fight with a rouge named Scarecrow or something like that.

"Woah." Knockout looked from the tool, to Mika, To Breakdown and then repeated. "How'd you do that?"

"I was born with it." She mumbled.

She had soon discovered if she was compliant enough she could stay out of her cage, they moved her from the glass dome to the metal cage so she wouldn't have any accidents again. She wouldn't be joining them oh no. But... she would stay on the ship and not contact the autobots.

Not that she could escape anyway nor could she understand cybertronian yet, so it wasn't like she could get a hold of them.

Besides, Soundwave took her phone.

Mika pouted, much like a child scolded by their parent.

Which, she supposed she actually had been.

While she was able to roam now, she still had to have an escort who always was either Breakdown or Soundwave. She was to terrified of Megatron, who was greatly pleased that she feared him.

Freaking jerk...

"What else can you do?"


"And we go back to the silence. Great job Breakdown."

"Hey it wasn't me!"

"Was to! You pushed it and it took so long for her to break out and speak." Knockout grumbled.

"What do you care? She's my squishy anyway." Breakdown countered.

"Technically she's Soundwaves Squishie."


"Besides, I don't care. BUT! It'd be better then her staring all the time!"


"Look she's doing it again!"


"How old are you Knockout? It's like your taddling to mommy."

Mika blinked and started giggling, she couldn't help it. "If that were the case, wouldn't Breakdown be daddy and Knockout be Mommy?"

"Hold on why would I be the mommy?!" Knockout growled.

"Because your like a girl always worrying about their looks."

Breakdown, who had started drinking energon amused at the two, spewed his drink everywhere and chortled with laughter. He was laughing so hard he was smacking his leg especially when he saw Knockouts facial expression before he turned on Breakdown.

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