Scrap heap.

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An; I do not own anyone but Mika, Riptide and Lockjaw. Their my little scrappy's!

Mika was floating, gently sleeping on a figure.

She felt... safe.



She snuggled closer to her dream person, their arm's wrapping around her protectively.


They were floating in silence, traveling somewhere.

Miko was there, sleeping next to her... but Mika was more interested in the male she was sleeping on.

She felt his spark.

She loved listening to it, feeling it's hum.

Nothing could hurt her when she was with him.

She was his.

No one could touch her.

No one.

She felt herself jerk, fading from the plane she was in.

No... don't leave me... please...

"Always there. Never gone."

I want to stay... let me stay...

Please... I need you...

I n..e...e.......d......y.......o...................u.


Beep Beeep!

Mika opened her eyes in annoyance, spotting Miko cuddling her stomach.

Beep Beeep!

Mika blinked, peeking out the window (with much difficulty as Miko's grip on her mid section was pretty secure) and squinting at the light to see Bulkhead and Chromia waiting.

She pulled out her phone, texting Chromia and Bulkhead that she was up and would wake Miko.







Miko groaned, opening her eye to stare annoyed at her sister. "Mika? It's too early." Miko flipped over, cuddling her pillow with a smile.

"Miko Bulkhead is here, and it's Saturday. We get to spend the whole day with our bo-"

Miko shot up with a huge grin. "Alright!" She cheered.

She had sat up so quickly that it sent Mika toppling over the bed and onto the floor.

"Miko!" She hissed when she heard the usual morning clatter of dishes pause.

Miko froze, eyes wide as foot steps started walking up the stairs.

"Quick!" Miko hissed to Mika as said person was clambering out of the window.

Mika almost tripped, waving at her bot before jumping through her window, on her bed and under the covers.

She covered herself quickly, not bothering to mess up her already messy hair, and had her glasses on the stand before pretending to sleep.

She heard voices in Miko's room, demanding to know what the noise was before the footsteps came stomping towards her room and the door was thrown open carelessly.

Said person stomped over to the bed and ripped the covers off sending her toppling over on the floor yet again.

"W-what?!" She made a show of being scared and groggy.

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