One Shall Fall

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"Optimus!" Jack shouted in warning as he grabbed Mika and held her for protection, making sure to guard her head as rock began crumbling from the incline of the cliff they hid in. Miko was across the way, protecting Raf like he was Mika, while she shouted cybertronian profanities at Knockout who was trying to get to her.

The Autobot leader turned just in time to deflect a punch that his foe, Megatron, sent. Letting out a low growl he sent a few blasts at Megatron before following up with a good punch to the face. Megatron roared in anger when he went back, his optics switching over to Mika and then Miko. "Don't even think about it Megatron!" Otpimus shouted as he tackled the mech away.

"We have to help!" Mika shouted from Jacks arms.

Jack looked down at her before looking around, "What can we do?"

Mika peered over Jacks arm, eyes looking for anything before spotting a large boulder. "There!"

"You think you can knock it down?"

"I can try." She said before glancing back to the struggling Optimus.

Earlier that day Miko had snuck out with the bots and the other kids ran after her to stop her from doing anything stupid. However when they got there Optimus learned it was all a trap set up by Megatron to capture him or one of the other bots. The cons would then use that prisoner to negotiate  for one of the Nakadai twins in exchange for their Autobot ally. Some how Megatron and Kockout were able to lure Optimus into a small canyon away from the rest of the Autobots and away from help. The kids just so happened to be in the canyon at the time and while Megatron dealt with Optimus, Knockout was ordered to get the children.

Mika closed her eye's and concentrated, not being used to using her abilities for anything large, she began to glow.

Jack watched as the familiar purple glow surrounded Mika and once he was sure she had a handle on things he shouted out for Optimus to retreat. Said bot had taken one look back and saw Mika's glow before he jumped out of the way, snagging Miko and Raf while Jack waited to bolt with Mika, as the rock came tumbling down, smashing over the decepticon leader.

"Retreat!" Optimus called, not wanting anyone else to come to harm and upset with the humans for following them.




After a long scolding from Optimus, and the children promising to be more careful in the future, the four children now sat in a circle while Raf checked the computer's for any unusual 'alien' sightings and made sure to cover them up.

Jack scoffed at one particular picture, "Kid in a costume." He muttered as they looked through picture after picture. "Whoa wait go back."

Raf went back a photo and spotted Bee. "Camera sure loves Bee." Raf murmured.

"What can you do?" Miko started.

"When your a superstar your paparazzi bait." Mika finished. The twins ignoring Jacks muttering of their talking at once being creepy.

"They should love me more." Sunstreaker griped. "I'm better looking."

"Yeah yeah." Mika waved him off causing Sideswipe to laugh his aft off.

"Is that Bumblebee?" Prowl, who rarely was around and preferred to be scouting/patrolling and learning of the earth ways in his police alt mode, frowned disapprovingly to the sheepish Bumblebee.

"What?" Ratchet blinked up from his work, peering over.

"A conspiracy site." Raf started. "Where User's post evidence of close encounters, but don't worry we have it under control Ratchet." Raf continued tinkering with his laptop. "We just drag this here and replace Bee with-"

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