:Special: Shattered Glass 1

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"You always have picked the worst time to appear." Nemesis sneered. "But no matter, soon your corpse will join it's many brothers within the walls of my ship."

"Your madness will come to an end Nemesis." Megatronus growled as their weapons clashed, sending sparks as they sung the song of battle. "Long have I waited to bring those who fell beneath your tainted blade to justice."

"A small price to pay," Nemesis sneered. "To get to where I am today!"

"You are nothing." Megatronus spoke. "But a Fallen shell of a Prime."

"Fallen Prime?" Mika whispered, her body hiding Raf protectively. "Optimus is a fallen Prime here?"

"Prime, Fallen, no matter so long as I get the power I need by any means! You are merely standing in my way. Hand over the humans Megatronus, and I shall reconsider the length of  your punishment for disobeying my order."

"You are not my Prime." Megatronus growled as he managed to unlock their blades and slammed his blade against the dark Optimus's side.

Raf, who turned from the battle of the two before them, cast his gaze to Bumblebee and Knockout. Or, Wasp and Knockout. Wasp was, much to the terror of seeing such a look a like to his kind and gentle guardian, violent and blood thirsty. He had managed to steal Knockout's trident and continuously zapped at the Decepticon in glee. Arcee, while her fighting style back home was expertly distributed, seemed to be wild in her fighting. As if she were a puppet off it's strings as she attacked Starcream, the latter of the two observing silently and seeming to be waiting for the right moment to strike.

The cry of Megatronus startled Raf back to attention as he spotted Nemesis Primes blade pierce the side of the Decepticon leader and the Fallen Prime laughed.

"My Lord!" Starscream cried out, Arcee using this detraction to slice at his side causing him to almost howl in pain and the femme to give a psychotic giggle in reply.

As Nemesis went in for another blow, a white web shot from the distance and smacked Nemesis in the face, causing him to stagger back and try to remove said object in anger.

"Sorry we're late."

"Arachnid?!" Mika hissed in shock.

"Arachnid!" Megatronous called urgently. "Soundwave!"

Mika blinked, heart skipping, her sire was here?

"Let's get this party started." A voice spoke and a white/blue/purple mech stood, one looking exactly yet sounding completely different. Upon his helm lay a green headband with its tail waving in the wind and his servo shot out. "Frenzy, Rumble deploy!"

"AWWW YEAAAAA!" Frenzy, the minicon, whooped as he transformed from Soundwaves arm.

"Lets kick some Autobutt!" Rumble followed quickly after, deploying from Soundwaves other arm.

"Frenzy, Rumble, Operation rescue."

"You got it boss!" The two quickly made their way over to the overly shocked humans. One of which looked about ready to pass out from shock.

This... weirdo was not her sire.... her sire was silent, reserved.. this one was... well... spunky? Not to mention the voice was completely different... more upbeat? WHERE THE PIT WAS SHE?! Mika screamed in her head.

"Come with us humans." Frenzy latched onto Raf.

"Gotta get you out of the line of fire."

"Yeah Yeah, Back up is on the way. Or at least I hope they are."

"Mute it Frenzy, your freaking the fragile fleshy's." Rumble grumbled before pulling Mika along. "We'll take you back to base with Sounders. Megatronus can finish up here once he has no distractions keeping him from focusing on battle.

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