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AN; Picture above does not belong to Wolfette, yatta yatta yatta- Uhm the one on the left as you know is Breakdown and Im pretty sure EVERYONE knows who Rowen is now so... yeah. Thats basically how Wolfette see's his holoform too. She told me where she found it -Tumblr- And just try to picture it as a younger teenage version cause thats what he's using to get to Mika at School. Anywayyy, Enjoy!

Why? Why did Chromia have to die? She should have lived, why couldn't she have survived at return to her so they could fix things? Chromia was still her mother, Mika still loved her despite what she did and her abandoning them. Despite her trying to 'kill' them when they were babies, Mika could see the GOOD in Chromia. She knew Chromia wasn't a bad bot. Her hurt clouded her a lot now but deep down she knew her Mia was a good person inside. She just knew it.


Mika looked up from her thoughts, her feet had previously been kicking out as she sat upon the swing in the playground. She had escaped Sunstreaker, opting to be alone.


Rowen smirked down at her. "Now whats a cute girl like you doing out here by yourself?"


"Hey," He walked closer. "What's wrong?"

"I-" She paused, trying to think of a way to explain it to him without reveling anything. "I was just informed that my birth mother died."

"That rough." He frowned, sitting on the swing next to her. "I'm sorry that happened."

Mika glared at the ground. She didn't want any stupid condolences.

"I lost my mother a long time ago."

She looked back up, watching him look towards the sky. Rowen lost his mother? "What happened?"

"..." He looked hesitant for a moment before closing his eyes. "She was in the army and she got called out one time... she never made it back. I got news from my father that she had been KIA."

"I'm sorry, Mine was in a war too and was KIA."

"Hey, enough of this depressing talk. Wanna go get a bite to eat? I hear there's this great frozen yogurt plac-"

Mika fought a smile, nodding a long with him as he spoke before allowing him to lead her off. This is what she needed right now.

A distraction.




"-And then when he saw his car all messed up, Tony takes his saw, chasing Marc around who's screaming like a little girl. Of course, Garet wasn't to happy with the noise but the sight was hilarious."

Mika was laughing at this point, though she didn't know what these friends/family of his looked like, she still could picture people doing that simply because she could see the Autobots doing something similar.

"Chett would chase around the twins all the time for pranks." She laughed, "Threatening to take the strongest glue and sticking them to the ceiling by their undergarments."

"Ohhh Mega wedgie."

The two smiled before finishing up their order of Frozen yogurt. Mika had ignored her phone, the calls from everyone, she really wanted this break from the cybertronian life and boy was she having a blast! Rowen was her only friend outside of the bots and people at the base and she was really enjoying it.

Before Mika could ask another question her phone went off for the millionth time causing her to groan.

"You sure you don't want to get that? What if it's an emergency?"

Transformers Prime; The Unwanted. (RatchetxOc)Where stories live. Discover now