:Special: SG How he was caught Bumblebee POV Short

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:::Raf!::: Bumblebee ran forward, his spark thrumming madly as he desperately made his way towards his charge, fighting through the vehicons and letting out an infuriated buzz as he ripped his way through them. 

He had to get to Raf, he had to! Bumblebee growled as he disposed of a few vehicons and got closer to Raf's location, watching in horror as two vehicons were pointing their weapons at his closes human friend. :::Noo!:::

The cons fire shot forth and a scream of agony is heard making the battle stop in horror. There before Raf was Mika who had taken the shot for the boy, tears were streaming down her face as she grit her teeth and her hand clutched her leg. Her pant let had burned into her skin, which was melting off of her form mixing with blood. A gruesome sight to behold.

"Mika!" Raf gasped in shock. "Y-you saved me."

Bumblebee used the Decepticons distraction to maneuver his way closer to his human, barely listening as the vehicons were panicking for shooting the sparkling of Soundwave. What would the mech do to them as punishment for allowing his sparkling to be attacked? As Bumblebee ran forward, his hands reaching out desperately just as Mika touched the relic by mistake and it began to glow. The Autobots could only watch in horror as a portal appeared from underneath the two, wrapping around them in a blinding light.

"Bumblebee No!" Optimus shouted but his scout was ignoring him and all around him.

He wasn't hearing Optimus or the other Autobots shouting for them, or the screams of Miko for her twin, nor did he hear the infuriated roar of Megatron for Mika protecting the human instead of getting the relic.

All that mattered was Raf's safety. 

His servo reached near them, the horror filled brown eye's of his charge looked up to him just as his hand touched the blinding light and suddenly Bee found himself tossed into a vortex and the sounds of his friends faded out.

He could barely see the forms of Mika and Raf holding on to each other and tried following, there was no gravity and so he floated there aimlessly, trying to move, walk or run! Hell he even tried swimming! Imagine how foolish he looked attempting to swim in the air? How did dogs swim, doggy paddle? He tried that but no, what next? Frogs were good swimmers!

He flailed about, attempting to swim like a frog but when that failed as well he let out a sorrowful whir when his charge and Mika faded from sight and a ringing filled the air making him cry out and hold his audio receivers.

Then his vision began to fade and he was enveloped by darkness and pain.




What was this painful ringing in his processor? He groaned in pain before sitting up, noting he was laying on some dead grass. Bumblebee shakily stood, shaking his helm before taking his surroundings in and noting that his friends were not there. Bumblebee attempted to contact base but instead got nothing but static. Giving a huff of annoyance, Bee transformed into his alt form and sped out of the area and made his long trek to Jasper.

After FOREVER of driving he finally found himself in the town, and so he drove in not taking notice of any of the people around him and how strange they acted. He traveled to the school, hoping to find Raf or one of the kids and as he stopped he spotted Jack and gave an excited whir before trying to get his attention only to pause in confusion. Jack was dressed awfully weird, in an outfit he would think Miko would rather be wearing. The teen had headphones in his ears as he rocked out to whatever was blasting from the headphones and he sloppily at chilly dog.

"Jackson Darby!" 

:::Agent Fowler!::: Bumblebee rode forward in excitement.

Fowler walked up to the boy who sighed in annoyance. "What do you want?" He growled and Bee was taken back at the amount of disrespect in his tone.

"Don't take that tone with me." Fowler meekly said. "Your moms worried, your four hours late to dinner."

"So? I'll go home when I want to! Gosh, don't be a buzz kill old man."

"That's no way to talk to your father."

"Ugh you still just a fiance and I had a dad and he's dead. So now I only have a mom. Nice try tho."

Feeling weirded out at the difference in Jack, Bee slowly pulled away and drove off, hoping to find base. While he drove to the base he noticed a familiar motorcycle on the side of the road in the desert and he quickly transformed.

:::Arcee! Boy I'm glad to see you!:::

The biked transformed too and Bee took a shocked step back as red eyes looked to him instead of blue.

"Well well, what have we here?" She circled him and gave a maniacal grin. "You look like wasp but don't act like him. How odd."

Bee tilted his head, :::Who's Wasp?:::


Bee turned startled and saw a different colored version of him with different optics that were filled with malice. :::W-What the-:::

:::Say goodnight.::: Wasp sneered before taking his weapon and smashing it into the helm of the  yellow scout and knocking him out cold. :::Lets take this person in.:::

"Oh! Oh! Interrogation! Interrogation! HEHEHEH!" Arcee practically skipped around before eagerly transforming and speeding off.

:::YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO CALL FOR A BRIDGE!::: Wasp roared angrily before huffing and picking up the stasis'd mech roughly. :::Damned Femme:::




Bee woke up at the sounds of conversing, when he online'd his optics he took in the forms of his friends before him, but then again they were different.

"Welcome." A dark voice came from the Optimus look a like. "I hope you find your stay... refreshing." He gave a crazed smile and Bumblebee began to freak out, when did Optimus look let alone talk like that?

"You seem confused." Jackhammer look alike commented. "Like our prisoner, you are from another realm entirely. Though your arrival was late in comparison. Getting lost within the vortex of the portal before it spit you out a few days after their appearance. You know us, but you don't."

"Can I punch him?" Bulkhead asked. "I'm bored."

"Not yet, you may know me as Optimus in your world but here my name is Nemesis Prime." He spoke. "And things are not as you remember."

"Can we torture him yet? I wanna torture him! Can I? Can I? No you can't so shut up, Your interrupting the boss! Don't tell me to shut up glitch head! Your calling yourself a glitch head too! Shut up!" Arcee madly spoke before stopping and giving a grin. "Hatchets begun! Hatchets begun! I can hear her scream~"

Bumblebee frowned, who was screaming? He strained his audio receivers to hear who it was only to regret it a second after as the screaming of a familiar human reached him. Mika... the screams were terrified, agonized and crying out for someone familiar. Panicking, Bumblebee started to struggle. Sure he was upset with her for betraying them but he KNEW she still cared. Otherwise she would have let Rafael be harmed and not care. Now filled with determination to save her, he began fighting his restraints furiously.

"There's no use in struggling. You can't save her now, not once the Hatchet gets his servos on something he deems his. He'll either modify her to his liking or... offline her. Doesn't matter to us." Nemesis sneered. "You on the other hand.... you will com in handy."

Bee growled as he struggled more, the sounds of Mika screaming were getting to him and he desperately tried to get loose.

"Begin the session Arcee." 

His word began to blur as his hearing turned to painful rings and as Bumblebee struggled, his world turned into nothing but pain and the agonized ringing.




A little short on Bumblebee's Point of View when they kids were taken to the SG Universe and his capture. Hope you liked this chapter! I'll be working on the next one~ Next chapter is the final in my mini SG phase and after the next chapter everything will be back on track.

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