Chapter 2

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Bucky was in the middle of a dream about meeting Harry Styles when he felt someone shaking his arm.

"James, wake up honey we're here," Bucky opened his eyes and saw his mom smiling at him. Yawning, he looked out the window and smiled at all the bright green trees. Once he hopped out the van, their new house was in view. It's a light blue color with, with a red door-and Bucky's favorite part-a backyard where he can plant his flowers. The movers were taking all the furniture inside while Bucky kept imagining filling the backyard with roses, sunflowers, and hydrangeas.

"Mrs. Barnes, where do we put your daughter's boxes?" Bucky closed his eyes and clenched his fists. He did his breathing exercises, and his mom saw how he was handling the mover's question. One thing Bucky struggled with was anger, and he went to therapy for two years and his therapist taught him what to do whenever he felt like he was going to have an episode.

"That's my son and you can leave them upstairs," she replied and once everything was inside the house, the movers were about to leave when the man who falsely identified Bucky as a female approached him.

"Hey son, I'm sorry for just assuming things. And I have something in the truck to make up for it," the guy went inside the front seat and pulled out a paint can and handed it to Bucky who looked at the man in awe.

"It was in our lost and found pile, but I'm sure you can put it to good use and start decorating your room with it," the man handed Bucky a can of bright pink paint and all the brunette could do was smile at him.

"Thank you uh...


"Thank you Mark, and apology accepted. Not a lot of people make an effort to so thanks," Bucky shook the man's hand and his mother smiled and gave Mark a generous tip for being so nice to her son.

"Well, have a good one folks," Mark and his crew then drove away and Bucky looked back inside the house and sighed knowing putting everything away was going to be very eventful.


While the paint dried, Bucky put his flower print sheets on his bed and placed his beanie babies on top of the headboard. He was very proud of his collection, and every Christmas his grandmother gives him a new animal. He placed his vinyls on shelfs along with the white record player his aunt bought him. He stuffed his drawers with clothes, every item being pink or white-the occasional black making an appearance-and placed his shoes on small shelves. After checking the wall with his finger, he grinned and began placing posters on the walls. His favorite being one of Troye Sivan when he saw him in concert.

"James! Come downstairs and meet our neighbors!" his mother yelled from downstairs and he panicked and saw he was still wearing his VS sweatshirt and top. What if the neighbors aren't as nice as Mark?

C'mon Bucky get it together, he thought and slowly went downstairs to see two adults and a redhead.

"James, this is Mr. and Mrs. Romanov"

"Hi," Bucky shook their hands and the girl smirked at him. He didn't know whether it was friendly or not.

"I'm Natasha," the girl said and Bucky nodded. "You can call me Bucky," he replied and she smiled.

"Well, we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood and give you these," Mrs. Romanov handed Winifred a plate of cookies. "And I see the children will be in the same school, so at least Bucky will know somebody,"

Bucky noticed they haven't made a comment, or looked at him strange, he liked them.

"That's right, well thank you for stopping by and I'm sure school will be fine, right James?" Bucky looked at his mother, then at Natasha, and nodded in agreement.

After they left, Bucky couldn't help but think maybe this town is more accepting then his old one.

If only he knew...

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