Chapter 12

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This chapter is long AF oops


It was the morning of the date, when Steve realized he didn't have money to take his boyfriend out. Sam offered to give him money, but he couldn't take his friends hard earned money like that. So, he decided on using the cash he had stored in the back of his closet from past birthdays (before his parents started abusing him) for art supplied and knew taking Bucky out on a date was more important. He'd have to get a job.

"Steve! Are you up?" he heard his dad yell from the hallway and Steve was already changed when he replied, "Yeah," and his door opened. His dad was looking rather normal today, when most days he looks too drunk to even walk.

"You need a ride to school?"

Wait what? His dad hasn't drove him to school since sophomore year. This must be a trick.

"Sure," it came out as more of a question and what happened next shocked Steve. His dad smiled.

"Ok, come down in 5 minutes,"

When he left Steve got a text from Sam asking if he needed a ride, and he responded back telling him that his dad is driving him. Sam was confused, but said he'd see him at school. When he packed his bag with his books, he grabbed his shoes and slipped them on. Walking downstairs, he saw his dad waiting on the couch with his mom.

"Hi sweetie, I packed your lunch. It's on the counter,"

This was normal, his mom making him lunch. Her being here to tell him, not so much.

"Ready kiddo?"

He hasn't been called that in years. The blonde shook his head and his dad led them to his red truck.

On the way there, his dad was quiet as if he wanted to say something. Steve knew it was risky asking him, seeing as when he does he gets slapped or punched, so he decided against it. When they reached the familiar building, he hopped out the car.

"Have a good day son!" his dad yelled and Steve waved and saw Sam looking at him in utter shock.

"Wow, I haven't seen him since last year,"

"I know, there's something up. I'm pretty sure he wanted to tell me what, but I decided not to mention it," Steve told his curious friend. "Maybe he's sorry,"

"Sorry for abusing me for three months? I don't think giving me a ride to school will change that,"

"Well, it's a start. At least he's acknowledging you,"

Steve thought about it, and his friend was right. But then again, he wasn't so sure why now his estranged father decided to finally be a dad for like 2 minutes.

Bucky on the other hand, was waiting for his boyfriend by his locker with Natasha.

"Hey Bucky, I have a question," the brunette turned to her and gave her his attention. "Am I approachable?"

"Well, you are kind of scary. But that's just your resting face! We all have one, yours is just...

"I knew it. No wonder I've been single all this time,"

Bucky laughed and shook his head at her comment. "I'm sure you'll find someone,"

"Well, there is one person," Nat said and Bucky looked at her in shock. Not once since they've became friends as his friend ever mentioned liking any guys. "Yeah, who?"


"I KNEW IT!!" Bucky exclaimed hugging her and she shoved him off. "SHHH!! Calm down will ya?"

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