Chapter 16

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"GUYS!! Why did I wake up totally hung over this morning?" Tony asked clutching his head at their lunch table.

Its Monday morning, and everyone is basically still dead tired from the events of Friday night. Everyone but Clint, who had a diet coke that whole night. Natasha and Bucky took a few shots, and Steve did have two drinks that didn't leave him too drunk to drive his boyfriend home that night.

"Maybe it's because you had more than 3 drinks Friday night," Sam replied resting his head in his hands.

"Yeah but that was three days ago," Natasha added resting her head on Clint's shoulder.

"Tony, you and I both know you don't just drink at parties. Wasn't Bruce with you this weekend?"

"Geez Rogers, quit yelling," Tony groaned. Steve glared at his friend since he was clearly not screaming at all.

"And no, he had an eye doctor appointment. He needs glasses,"

"Bruce with glasses? I'd love to see that," Clint chuckled and Nat groaned since his whole body shook while he laughed.

"Me too, but now I just want a large glass of water...and a cheeseburger," Tony said and Steve sighed getting up.

"Alright, I'll get it for you,"

"Thanks Steve. Now I know why you like him so much," Tony said nudging Bucky on his arm.

"Yeah Tony, I'm still with him because he gets me food," Bucky replied sarcastically and grinned when Steve returned with Tony's food, and a chocolate cupcake for him.


"Oh! I have your tickets for my art show Friday. I hope you guys can make it," Steve said handing his friends the small pink tickets.

"Yeah man we'll be there...I love the arts!" Sam exclaimed.

"Name one artist," Nat said.


"Can't you give us a hint on what you made?" Bucky pleaded and Steve had to look away because he would give it away quick with that look his boyfriend was giving him, with his pretty blue eyes.

"No way princess, you're going to have to wait like everyone else," Steve said and Bucky huffed and swiped an amount of frosting on his finger and slapped it on Steve's cheek.

"Very mature,"


"Hey dad, Bucky and his mom are coming soon. Should I set the table?"

"Already done,"

"What about the dishes?"

"Your mother put them away already,"

"Ok, how about-

"Steve, I know what you can do,"



Steve breathed out a laugh, and when the doorbell rang his expression went from semi calm to now freaking out.

"I'll get it," Mr. Rogers said and Steve followed in tow while his mother stayed in the kitchen finishing up the rest of the food.

"Stevie! I mean uh, hi Steve," Bucky said blushing at his over excitement, and his mother smiled at her son's reaction on seeing his boyfriend.

"Hey Bucky, Mrs. Barnes. Come in," Steve said gesturing them inside.

"Hi, I'm Richard and this is my wife Katherine,"

"Hi, I'm Winifred, and my son Bucky,"

"Nice to meet you," Bucky said and shook both of their hands.

"Well aren't you adorable, Steve talks about you all the time," Katherine said and Steve blushed and coughed trying to stop his step mom from saying anything else.

"Ma, c'mon,"

"Oh please Steve, you know it's true. Just be thankful we didn't take out any of your baby pictures,"

Steve blushed an even deeper shade of red, and Bucky giggled and kissed him on the cheek causing his parents to awe at them, and Winifred took a sneaky photo.

"Alright, let's eat!"

Dinner was going great. Richard was getting along great with Bucky, and Winifred bonded over cooking shows with Katherine and Steve just chimed in occasionally. The art show was mentioned, and Steve didn't even tell his parents what he had created, and Bucky whined about how he didn't even give him a hint.

"Well, we should get is a school night James," Winifred said and Bucky glared at her because she promised not to call him that.

"Right, thank you for dinner," Bucky said and Steve frowned not wanting his boyfriend to leave so soon.

"Of course, it was great to meet you son. Between me and you, I've never seen Steve smile so much since he started dating you and I want to thank you for that Bucky. I wasn't exactly a father figure in the beginning, but I'm glad he has you to make him happy," Richard told the brunette, and he grinned hearing Steve's dad say these words to him.

"No problem, I love Steve and I'll never stop,"

"Hey, can we talk really quick?" Steve asked approaching him. Bucky nodded and followed the blonde upstairs to his room.

They entered his room, and Bucky looked at all the artwork on the walls in awe. There were a couple canvases, paint brushes on shelves, and a few jars on the floor. The room was big enough to be a single studio.

"So, what did my dad tell you?" Steve asked sitting on the edge of his bed. Bucky sat beside him, and rested his head on the blonde's shoulder.

"Will you give me a hint on your art piece?'


"Then I won't tell you," Bucky said and stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Fair enough, now...we have 2 minutes until they start knocking down my door so-

Bucky shuts him up, and slams his lips onto his and Steve places his hand on the back of his neck in response.

"Guys! Bucky needs to leave," Katherine yelled from the hallway.

"Damn, we're going to have to pick up where we left off tomorrow eh princess?" Steve asked and Bucky laughed and kissed him once more him before getting up from his spot on Steve's bed.

"Bye Stevie,"

Steve grinned and watched his boyfriend walk out his room. Life's starting to get back to the way he wants, and he's glad he has Bucky around to make things a lot more special. 

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