Chapter 15

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It's the night of Tony's party, and Bucky was nervous. He was never invited to any parties before, not even the childish one's kids at school had for their sweet 16. Tony always throws the best parties, in Natasha's opinion, and that made him more on edge. Steve informed him that they'll be together all night, but Bucky didn't want to be a burden.

"Trust me, it'll be fine," Steve assured his boyfriend while they drove to Tony's place. The whole car ride has been silent, with Bucky looking like he wanted to go anywhere but to the party.

Once they arrived, the whole street was covered in different colored cars, and walking up the steps hand in hand, Steve rang the doorbell and Tony answered with a red cup in hand. The sounds of Flo Rida's 'My House' was blasting through the speaker. He grinned seeing his friends and gestured for them to come inside.

"I'm glad the Brooklyn babes could make it! Have fun you two," with that said Tony disappeared into the sea of kids from school probably going to find Bruce. Steve spotted Sam talking to Susan Storm nearby, and he mentally cheered him.

"Now what?" Bucky asked looking around. Steve chuckled and led his boyfriend through the crowd and saw Clint with Natasha by the kitchen.

"STUCKY!! Whaddup homies?" Clint asked slurring his words. Bucky looked at him amused by how drunk he was already, and saw Natasha was trying to keep him from falling on the floor. "Uh fine, thanks,"

"Did you guys see Sam?" Nat asked and Steve nodded gesturing over to where Sam was with Susan.

"I knew those two would get along. Susan is in my math class and she always talks about Sam, I didn't think any girl liked him to be honest," the redhead said and her friends nodded in agreement. Good for Sam to finally have someone interested in him.

Bucky had decided to go dance with Nat once their favorite song came on, and Steve just hung around Clint watching his boyfriend and best friend dance provocatively to Ariana Grande's 'Side to Side'. It was definitely amusing watching Bucky basically grind on Natasha, and Steve was flustered watching as his boyfriend kept his gaze on him the entire time.

"Go ahead Steve, I'll just go help Bruce raid the snack table," Clint said already knowing he'd be left alone, and the tall blonde nodded and went over to Bucky and immediately was sandwiched between him and Nat.

"Why do all the gay guys get the hottest chicks?"

Steve turned around and saw Brock Rumlow. "Do you ever enjoy yourself Rumlow? Or did you purposely come to a party that you weren't invited to just to make fun of us. Sad really,"

"Can it Rogers! It's your fault that I lost Thor and Loki. They ditched me because of you,"

Steve didn't even realize he was without his shadows, and spotted Thor and Loki alone in a corner talking to some girls. Serves Rumlow right for teasing him, and his Bucky, for so long that now he doesn't have friends. He felt bad for him, but at the same time he couldn't care less.

"Well, I'd leave too. No one likes a bully Brock,"

With that, Rumlow clenched his jaw and shoved Bucky, who was standing right behind him, and the brunette fell to the ground and scraped his knee on the wood floor.

"Oops, didn't see your girlfriend,"

Steve was fuming at this point, and didn't even realize he had punched Rumlow right in the face sending him to the ground. He helped Bucky up, whose knee was bleeding, and had Nat take him upstairs to the bathroom.

"Wow Rogers, didn't know you had it in you," Rumlow said and before he could throw a punch he was shoved by Thor, who had Loki behind him.

"Get out of here Brock, or I'll tell everyone here that BROCK RUMLOW WETS THE BED! Oops, I just did..."

Steve laughed, and Loki chuckled at his brother's outburst. Everyone on the dancefloor laughed, and Rumlow sighed in defeat and gave a cold glare towards Thor, and left.

"Thanks Thor, you didn't have to," Steve said.

"But I did, my brother and I aren't the bullies you think we are. We only hung out with Brock because we didn't really know anyone else. He's our parent's friend's son, so we had no choice but to befriend him. But, your friends seem a lot nicer so if it's not too late we would love to be friends with you guys," Thor said with a hopeful look on his face, with Loki mirroring his expression.

Steve thought it through, and told them to meet him at his locker Monday morning to talk with his friends. They nodded happily, and the blonde went upstairs to check on his boyfriend.

"Hey baby, how's that pretty knee of yours?" Steve asked looking at his boyfriend's bandaged knee.

"Fine Stevie, did Rumlow leave?"

"Yeah, Thor helped me,"

Natasha was now listening. "Thor? That's odd,"

"Well, he told me that him and Loki want to be friends," Steve said and Nat shook her head in disbelief and left the two alone in the bathroom.

"When will the bullying stop Steve?" Bucky asked, more like whispered, as he checked his bandaged knee. Steve sighed, and sat next to him on the edge of the tub, and wrapped his arm around him.

"I don't know Buck, but all I know is that we have each other. I love you, and I'll never stop protecting you," Steve replied and Bucky gave him a small smile. "Thanks Stevie, I love you too," he replied and gave Steve a kiss on the lips, and the blonde sighed feeling the taste of cherries.

"C'mon, let's enjoy the rest of the party,"


"Guys, please don't leave yet! The party is still in motion!" Tony said, pissed drunk, and clinging onto Bruce.

There was no one in the house, only his friends, and Tony was too drunk to even notice.

Steve held back a laugh and shook his head. "Sorry Tone, we'll see you on Monday!"

"Fine! Leave! You Dorito!" Tony yelled and Bucky laughed and now had a new nickname for Steve.

"C'mon Dorito, my mom's expecting me home," Bucky said jokingly to Steve, who groaned and led them to his car. Nat and Sam had left, and they had left Bruce to deal with Tony for the rest of the night.

Once they reached Bucky's house, Steve opened the car door for him like the gentlemen he is, and held the brunette's hand on the way to the front door.

"By the way, my dad is making his famous lasagna tomorrow night and he wanted to invite you and your mom over. He wants to meet you,"

Bucky froze, and looked to Steve a bit alarmed. He knew this would happen sooner or later, he just didn't expect it to happen in only three months of dating Steve.

"Yeah? Sounds fun, I'll let my mom know,"

Steve grinned and then the front door of Bucky's house opened.

"Oh, hello again Steve," Winifred said with a smile.


Steve loved Winifred. She was like a second mother to him, and they only met briefly last week after dropping off Bucky. He was sure Bucky got his looks from her, but his eyes were definitely his dad's.

"Oh ma, Steve invited us over for dinner on Monday. Can we go?" Bucky asked with his big blue eyes pleading.

"Of course, we'll be there. I'll leave you two alone for a while, 5 minutes James!"

With that, she shut the front door leaving both boys on the porch.

"You know I love you right?" Steve asked and Bucky chuckled and put a strand of hair behind his ear.

"I know Steve, I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow? Movie night?"

"Of course princess,"

They shared a passionate kiss, and Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve's neck and slipped his tongue in and let out a slight moan when feeling Steve's hands on his lower back. They pulled away and Bucky gave him one last kiss on his nose and went up the steps to his house.

"Bye Stevie,"

"Bye princess,"

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