Chapter 17

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Tonight, is the opening of the community art show. Steve was nervous, but at the same time eager to see the reaction of his friends, family, and boyfriend's reaction to his work. It took him a year to come up with more than one piece for the show, and the director was his art teacher, so the chances of him getting a bad review was at an all-time low. There was no way.

"Do we really have to wear suits?" Clint asked fidgeting in his suit.

You would think a community art show dress code would be casual, but since it's the opening the whole town was instructed to dress nice. Everyone in Steve's group was fine with it, but Clint was going to show up in sweatpants if there weren't any rules.

"Yes Barton, how many times do we have to tell you?" Tony replied annoyingly from his seat. They were currently at Tony's house getting ready for the art show, and were waiting for Steve and Bucky to show up. Even to his own art show Steve is late.

"Well I think you look handsome," Nat said helping Clint with his tie. He blushed and gave Nat an adoring look that made Tony gag jokingly. Bruce was there as well, and was too busy buried in a science book to care what was happening. He was interested in the art show though.

"Ok, where are they? We've been waiting for two hours!" Sam exclaimed collapsing on the couch.

Then, the bell rang.

"Sam, you got some sort of powers or something?"

"Oh please, no one here is a superhero,"

Tony went to open the door, and revealed Bucky and a disheveled looking Steve with red lip gloss all over his lips. The short brunette laughed out loud, and saw Bucky blushing along with Steve who was just as flustered as his boyfriend. Steve was in a traditional suit, and Bucky was wearing a red dress and black wedges with a red and white flower crown on his head.

"Well, no need to explain your lateness. Let's just go," Tony said and everyone followed behind and saw the car Tony had rented for them to take to the gallery. It was an hour away, and he made sure there was a television inside because Sam and Clint are both five year old's when bored.

"Damn Stark, nice ride. I'm not even going to ask what car you have planned to take us to prom,"

"Oh Wilson, that car is already in my garage," Tony replied smugly and everyone got in, and Bucky immediately took out his selfie stick.

They took a few photos, and before they knew it they had arrived. The whole town was there, and Steve immediately became nervous.

"Hey Stevie, don't be nervous doll everyone will love your work," Bucky assured him, and the blonde nodded in reply and took his boyfriends hand in his and they followed behind their friends as they entered the glass doors of the gallery.


The blonde turned around and saw his art teacher approaching him.

"Mr. Meyerson, hi,"

"Rogers, you're up first. Samantha called in sick so you have to be the first to showcase your gallery," Mr. Meyerson said and Steve gulped and felt his hands go clammy. Bucky squeezed his hand in comfort, and he nodded to his teacher and the man ushered everyone to follow him to the second floor where Steve's gallery was. He spotted his parents, Bucky's mom and aunt, and Ms. Hill in the crowd. His teacher went up to the podium and tapped on the microphone to get everyone's attention.

"Welcome everyone to the opening of the Ridgewood Art Galleries. I've been teaching at the high school for about 13 years, and the student I'm about to have come up and say a few words is probably the most successful student I've ever had. He is hard working, dedicated to his craft, and without a doubt the sweetest kid I had the pleasure of mentoring for the past 3 years. Everyone give it up for Steve Rogers!"

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