Chapter 8

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Steve woke up before his parents, and quietly packed his stuff for the weekend. Sam texted him that he was on his way, so the blonde's heart was beating because he'd see Bucky there.


He thought about what Sam told him yesterday, and he was right. Steve is in fact gay, and has a crush on Bucky Barnes who wears skirts and pink clothes. The same guy who he bumped into on the first day of school, and found his crying like a baby in the bathroom. He knew he'd have to apologize for that, and he was working on what to say. Something along the lines of 'Sorry for being an asshat' or 'Bucky I like you, lets forget what happened and makeout!

The second one sounds a bit more inviting, but he knew he wouldn't be let off that easy. Bucky is special, and Steve was determined to make things right. He grabbed his bag, and tip toed downstairs and thankfully the floors didn't squeak. The blonde made it to the front door, and he opened it quickly and ran out. He let out a breath of relief and saw Sam's car in the corner.

"Hey, you ready?" Sam asked and his friend nodded with a small grin.

Once they reached Tony's place, JARVIS let them in and they saw the others were already outside by the pool. The sound of DJ Khaled's 'All I Do Is Win' blasting through the speakers.

"HEY MY PEOPLE!" Tony yelled from the inflatable swan he was on with some guy.

Sam laughed and quickly took his shirt off, followed by Tony whistling, and yelled 'CANNONBALL' before jumping into the large pool. Steve just stood there awkwardly. He didn't want to get in the water yet, so he went over to Natasha who was lounging on the hammock. "Hey Nat,"

"What's up Steven?" she asked smiling at her friend. "Oh nothing, I just wanted to ask if-

Steve was about to ask her where Bucky was, when he saw the brunette climbing up the steps on the edge of the pool, soaking wet with water droplets on his tan chest, and his hair sticking to his face. His eyes were sparkling from the sun beaming on his face, and his pink trunks were clinging to his slim figure. Bucky noticed Steve sitting near Natasha and walked over to them grinning.

"Hey Steve," the brunette greeted to the blonde who had his mouth hung open. Natasha was recording the whole thing on her phone, for revenge purposes.

"Steve, this is the part when you say hi back," Natasha said kicking Steve in the back with her foot. The boy closed his mouth and looked at Bucky again, and he blushed when he realized he'd been staring.

"H-Hi Buck," he stuttered and cursed himself for being so awkward.

"Getting in the water pal? Or do I have to push you in?" Bucky asked smirking and Steve breathed out a laugh and got up removing his shirt. The brunette blushed and tried not to stare at his friends tone figure and the two walked over to where Tony and his mystery guy was.

"Hey Steve! This is Bruce," Tony yelled and the boy next to him waved shyly. "Hey!" Steve shouted back and jumped in the pool with Bucky.


After an hour of swimming, Tony had told his friends he ordered Domino's for dinner, and they all decided to get out and change into their pajamas since its getting dark out. Bruce had followed Tony upstairs to his room, and everyone else had gone into the other bathrooms to change. The house had six bathrooms, and four bedrooms.

Bucky was the last to change, so while he went to the bathroom everyone sat around the living room and Tony had turned on the fireplace.

"So, you go to our school?" Sam asked Bruce who was sitting close to Tony. "Yeah, but I'm a senior,"

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