Chapter 20

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*at the mall*

"Bucky, that's the 10th dress! Just pick one already," Natasha groaned from the bench she was sitting on next to Peter.

The brunettes mom had dropped them off at the Pavilion an hour ago, and the dance was in two hours which means they needed that time to get ready. But Bucky was taking his time, trying to decide on either a short or long dress. Seeing as they are juniors, and seniors wear the long dresses he was contemplating on either following the rules or picking one just because it felt right. He just didn't know at this point.

Natasha had picked out her dress the moment they walked into the shop, and Bucky envied her because her style was simple. As for Peter, he left 20 minutes ago to Wade's house to get ready, explaining that his aunt was working at the moment and would only get to see him in his dress after prom. Peter's aunt was grateful that Bucky was helping her nephew, and would make sure to thank him as soon as they met.

"Ok, bling or lace?" Bucky asked holding up two pink dresses.

Nat squinted her eyes as the rhinestones were reflecting from the lights, and immediately picked the lace dress. "I'd go with the less blinding dress Bucky,"

He laughed, and agreed happily. After paying, they went to meet Winifred at Forever 21 where she was getting their shoes.

Back at Tony's house, Steve was in the game room with Sam when Tony approached him with his signature 'I know something no one else does' look.

"What's up Tone?"

"Well, at lunch it seemed you didn't want Bucky to know something," he said and Sam paused the game now interested in the conversation.

"Mr. Coulson asked me if I was interested in graduating this year with the seniors, and going to CalArts....full scholarship," the blonde replied lowering his tone at the last few words.

"Steve that's amazing! But, you won't get to graduate with us. And what about Senior Prom? And Bucky? When are you going to tell him?"

Steve sighed rubbing the back of his neck, "I don't know guys, I just know I can't leave him. We've been dating only 7 months,"

"I'm sure whatever you decide, he'll support you no matter what. Now, let's get going to dance is soon,"

*at the dance*

"Ugh, where are they? The photographer is leaving soon!" Natasha exclaimed looking around nervously for her guy friends and Clint.

Wade appeared with Peter, who was trying not to draw too much attention to himself.

"Sup guys! Isn't my date hot!?" Wade exclaimed gawking over Peter and his blue dress. The youngest of the two blushed and Bucky couldn't help but smile at how happy they look.

Then, the guys came into view with their ties matching their dates dresses. As for Tony and Bruce, they had matching green and red ties.

"Hello boys, about time you showed up," Nat said and dragged Clint over to the photographer.

"I for one am going to get some food," Tony said and dragged Bruce along with Thor who was already with Jane. Loki and Darcy were talking to some kids and avoiding dancing.

"Bucky, you look beautiful," Steve said admiring the dress on his boyfriend.

"Thanks Stevie, you don't so bad yourself," the brunette teased and earned a light chuckle from his boyfriend.

"Wade, Peter, you guys look great," Steve said.

"Back up blondie he's mine," Wade said possessively wrapping his arms around Peter who laughed and dragged Wade to dance.

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