Chapter 7

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Today was the day, the day that Bucky Barnes is going over to a friend's house for the first time. He thought about Steve for the day as usual, and then about how he found him beat up in the bathroom. The blonde had lied about who hurt him, and Bucky can be very persistent when he wanted to. But, he also didn't want Steve to think he pities him, he's had enough of that half his life.

His mother was out getting groceries, so Bucky decided to play his Ariana Grande album on his record player. While the house was filled with the tune of 'Dangerous Woman', there was a knock at the door. Bucky furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he wasn't expecting anyone. Plus, his mother left 15 minutes ago.

As he walked downstairs, he had a look of fear and confusion in his eyes. Then he looked through the peephole and sighed in relief.

"Aunt Ida! What a surprise!" Bucky exclaimed hugging his aunt who laughed in response. "Hey Buck, I would've called but my phone died. You're mom told me you'd be here alone so I decided to stop by," she said and Bucky let her come in.

"Wow, my sister sure knows how to decorate," she laughed and Bucky grinned. Ida and his mother were very close, and when his grandparents died a year ago it was really hard for them. But the two women only grew closer.

"Yeah, we spent at least the whole day at Macy's," Bucky said remembering all the bags he had carried that day. Plus, he decided to wear sneaker wedges. Not the best idea.

"So, how's school going?" His aunt asked sitting on the couch beside him.

"Great actually! I've made some friends and two of my teachers are nice so,"

Ida smiled at her nephew. It was great news hearing how Bucky wasn't getting a harsh treatment here, something she hoped for when they moved here.

"That's great Bucky, I'm glad you're adjusting well. So now on to the real question, any cute boys?" She asked smirking and Bucky blushed immediately thinking about Steve.

"Well yeah, there is this guy. His name is Steve and he's actually one of the friends I made. I'm not even sure if he would ever go out with me. I'm too much of an embarrassment," Bucky said and his aunt frowned at her nephews comment about himself.

"You're not an embarrassment. If Steve is bothered by how you dress, then he's not worth it. But if he isn't, then go for it!"

Bucky knew his aunt was right, she always is. Plus, his mother was already planning their wedding and she hasn't even met Steve yet. So why not go for it? The worst thing that could happen is Steve rejecting him, they were already friends. The blonde did ignore him today, but Bucky knew he shouldn't hold it against him.

"You're right auntie, I'll go for it. Thank you for the advice," Bucky hugged his aunt and Ida smiled, then she looked at the time.

"Well, I have to go. I have a date," Ida said and her nephew smirked. "Really?"

"Yes really, I'm sure you'll like him. He's a music teacher," she said and Bucky walked to the door and said goodbye to his aunt.

After she left, Bucky went back to his room and took his record off the player and replaced it with Ed Sheeran's 'X' album.

His mother arrived later, and Bucky went downstairs to help her put everything away.

"I have some news, I forgot to mention it yesterday," she said and Bucky turned around to have his full attention on her. "I'm leaving for Washington next week on Tuesday for work. My boss needs someone from the company to assist him in a few meetings and he picked me. So, I already told Aunt Ida and she's willing to check on you once a day while I'm gone. I know I can trust you James," she said and Bucky looked at her in shock.

It's only been a month and his mom was already a favorite at work. If anything he's proud of her. "That's great ma, and don't worry about me I'll be fine," he said smiling at his mother.

"What did you and Ida talk about?" she asked while putting a few cans of soup in the cupboard. "Well, about school and uh...boys," Bucky replied and his mom chuckled in response.

"Ah, I see. Is Steve going to be there?" Bucky nodded and saw his mother smirking at him. She's been doing that a lot lately.

"Now, what time are you supposed to be ready?" Winifred asked looking at the wall clock. Her son gasped and ran upstairs while shouting 'Thank you!' He was almost late getting ready, and Natasha was a very punctual person.

While getting his bathing suit on, and some clothes in a bag, Bucky thought about how he would even tell Steve how he feels. He was so nervous, like the time he told his crush in seventh grade he liked him only for the boys in class to make fun of him. But this isn't like that, and Bucky knows Steve wouldn't make fun of him. If he wanted to he could have three weeks ago when they met.

He grabbed his goggles from the bathroom, and grabbed his makeup bag. Tony had texted them on their group chat that he wanted them to stay over, so this weekend was going to be very eventful for sure.


"James! Natasha's here," his mother yelled from downstairs and Bucky's heart was pounding. He went downstairs and saw his friend talking to his mom, and when she noticed him coming downstairs she smiled. "Hey Bucky!"

"Hey Nat! Ma, I'll see you Sunday," my mom hugged me and then I left with Nat, who thankfully had her car privileges back.

"I don't even know why I asked myself 'Will Bucky have a pink bathing suit?' and I thought you'd have a bikini on or something," Natasha said while the two got into her red car.

Bucky breathed out a laugh, "Very funny, and no I don't wear bikini's. I have a limit,"

Natasha chuckled and started driving towards Tony's house. Well, more like mansion if anything. Bucky turned the radio on, and looked out the window pretending he was in a music video like he usually does. He closed his eyes, and before he could even take a 2 minute nap, Natasha poked his arm.

"Ugh, what?" he asked with his eyes still closed. "What happened to Steve on Friday?" she asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," he replied and the redhead wasn't happy with that answer. All she knew was that Steve went to the nurse. "Tell me, or I'll tell him you like him!" she said and Bucky looked at her and knew she wasn't kidding.

"Fine. I found him in the bathroom beat up, and when I asked who did it he said 'a pole' and I knew it was bullshit. No pole gives you a black eye, he lied to me. And he ignored me for the rest of the day," Bucky replied with his head down. Natasha frowned, she knew how much her friend liked Steve, but she was a little upset that he would ignore him.

"Steve's a little snappy sometimes. He may seem like he wouldn't hurt a fly, but I've seen him upset before, and I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt your feelings,"

"I know, that's why I'm going to talk to him about it,"

Natasha continued driving after that, and once they reached Tony's place Bucky's eyes widened in shock at how big his house was.

"Wow," he breathed out in awe and followed Nat up the street. The door was huge, and there was a control panel on the side.

"Welcome, Natasha Romanov and Bucky Barnes," said a robotic British voice. Bucky was startled and turned around. "That's JARVIS, he's basically security and Tony's babysitter," Nat said and the door opened revealing Tony with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey guys! And I heard that Romanov," Tony said looking at Natasha with a pout. The redhead laughed and Bucky followed her inside.

"Buckaroo, nice to see you again. You look different today,"

"Thanks? Nice place," he said looking at all the art on the walls, the staircase and the chandelier hanging above them.

"You're so humble, and the pool's open so go and make yourselves at home. Nat knows the code so, and the others should be here in 5 minutes," Tony said looking at his phone.

Bucky's stomach turned, Steve will be here in 5 minutes.

"Oh, and I invited someone else," Tony said and Nat looked at him confused.


"Bruce Banner"

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