Chapter 5

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Steve has never met someone like Bucky. Someone so energetic, full of life, and confidence that the blonde wished he had. The way the brunette dresses doesn't bother Steve at all, if anything it makes him happy that even though Bucky gets teased, he doesn't care what anyone thinks. The first day of school was definitely an eventful one, and Steve can't wait for the rest of the year.

"So, I was thinking maybe this weekend we could all go over my house? My parents will be away and the pool is still open," Tony informed his friends at the front of the school.

They were all hanging out, waiting for their rides to show up. Sam had stayed for football tryouts, so Steve had to find a way to get home.

"Sounds fun, I could use a day away from the parentals," Nat said and Bucky looked to her in confusion. When he met her parents they seemed nice, but he shouldn't assume things. Even parents cover up their sadness when something is wrong.

"I'm sure my mom won't mind," Bucky said and saw his mom's car. "Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow? Nat you coming?"

Natasha went with Bucky, almost forgetting their carpool plans. "Oh yeah," she said and got in the back of the car.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow," Steve said with a smile. "Ok. Bye Steve," Bucky waved and the blonde waved back smiling.

Tony looked at Steve with a knowing look and smirked. "I see Barnes took a liking to you," he said and Steve sighed. "He's definitely interesting,"

"Ooo does Steven have a crush?" Tony teased and Steve scoffed. "I'm not gay!"

"Uh huh, sure," Tony said and when his limo pulled up he asked Steve if he needed a ride.

"No, my uh mom should be here soon," the blonde said and Tony just shrugged and his driver took his bag before he went into the vehicle.

When the limo was out of sight Steve started the 15 minute walk Steve's mom was never going to show up. It would be a miracle if she showed up, but Steve doesn't believe in those kinds of things. He put his headphones in, pressed play on his android, and started the 15 minute walk to his house.

Once the house came into view, he removed his headphones from his ears and shoved them in his jacket pocket. Steve quietly opened the door, only for it to squeak loudly. He made a face along the lines of 'shit, I'm caught' and 'this damn door couldn't save me'.

"Steve! Is that you?" he heard from upstairs and sighed. "Yes ma'am," he replied setting his bag on the floor.

"Take out the garbage!" the blonde sighed and shouted a reply before taking the black bag from the bin and tying it up.

He went out the front, and placed the bag in the trash can. Once he went back inside he saw a list on the counter. "If you thought you were done you must be an idiot!"

Steve hated days like these -well he hated every day- where his mother would be in one of her moods where if he didn't do what she told he would get punished.

He sometimes wondered how the simple life would be. And then his thoughts drifted to Bucky, and how the brunette managed to put a genuine smile on his face. Yes, he had friends to smile with, but it was different than the one he had on in English class. The blonde wondered how his new friend's home life was.


"So, did you make any friends?"

Bucky's mother had ordered Chinese for dinner, and they were currently sitting in the dining room when his mother had asked the question she's been longing to all day.

"I did actually. Three of them," when Bucky said this his mom looked at him with a mixture of shock and happiness. "That's amazing sweetie, I'm glad," she replied with a smile and her son looked genuinely happy. Something he's never been in a long time. It made her tear up a bit, but she didn't want to cause a scene, so she simply excused herself to the kitchen.

Bucky knew his mom didn't like crying in front of him. The last time he's seen her cry was when his parents divorced, but these were tears of joy and he let her be for the time being.

"So, tell me about these friends," Winifred said from the kitchen. Bucky walked over to the counter and leaned on it, and smiled. "Well, Tony is rich. His parents own the Stark Industries building we saw yesterday. Sam is very loud, always cracking jokes, and he didn't seem bothered by how I dress. Neither did Tony. And Steve, he's the one that spilled the paint on me. But when I properly met him, he was very nice. There's just something about him...

Winifred knew that look. Bucky had a few crushes in his past, but they didn't last very long since her son was so different.

"Oh? Like what?"

Bucky thought about it for a moment, "Well, like the other's he didn't seem bothered by how I dressed. But he did seem interested in what I liked,"

"Is he cute?"

"Ma! That has nothing to do with this conversation," Bucky exclaimed with his cheeks tinted pink. His mother smirked and saw how flustered her son was at such a simple question. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes, he's cute! Happy now?" Bucky asked throwing his arms in the air dramatically. "What does he look like?"

Bucky knew this conversation wasn't going to end. "He's got blonde hair, blue eyes...really pretty blue eyes and uh yeah,"

His mother cooed and pinched his cheek. "Aw James, he sounds lovely. And when you told me he was willing to help you with your skirt I knew he was a special one,"

Bucky sighed and then frowned. "He's probably not even gay ma," once he said this his mom looked at him with an unconvinced look.

"Well, you never know these days. Just be friends for now, and I'm sure he'll see just how wonderful you are and ask you out," she said and Bucky didn't buy it but just nodded anyway.

"Now, I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning," Winifred kissed her son's forehead and walked upstairs to her room. Once she was gone, Bucky went to his room and changed into his pajamas. They were blue -shockingly- and had penguins on them. He didn't feel very tired, so he went on his phone and opened the Instagram app seeing four new follower requests.

TheGirlNat, RealSamWilson, itsTonyStark, and SGRogers.

He laughed at Sam's icon of his head photo shopped onto a falcon. Then he decided to be a creep and scan through Steve's photos. There were a few pictures of his artwork, a group photo of him with Tony, Sam and Nat. Then one caught his attention. It was a picture of Steve surrounded by kids, they were all sitting on a porch and he couldn't point out one kid he thought would be related to Steve. He frowned and unknowingly liked the picture, and it was dated 122 weeks ago. He quickly un-liked it and his heart was beating so fast.

"Shit!" Bucky exclaimed and shut his mouth with his hand remembering his mother was asleep in the room down the hall.

He accepted everyone's request and set his phone down on his night stand. Hopefully Steve won't notice he liked a picture from the beginning of his page, how much more of a stalker could he be! It's bad enough the blue eyed boy was on his mind, and now he just added to the fire.

When the clock read 11pm, Bucky decided to call it a night and went to bed.

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