Chapter 9

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"Sshh, you'll wake them!"

"But they look so cute!"

"Stucky is real man, I won the bet!"

"Shut up Sam!"

That was the first thing Steve heard the next morning, and opened one eye to see all three of his friends with their phones out.

"Get out," he said and startled them. Tony was the first to go, and Nat grabbed Sam by the arm and ran out the room laughing.

His friends were going to pay for that later.

Steve focused on the sleeping body on his chest, and saw Bucky was still sound asleep. He looked so cute asleep, and the blonde didn't want to wake him up. But unfortunately, he had to get home before his parents saw him. The blonde placed a kiss on his cheek, and Bucky stirred in his sleep and yawned while rubbing his eyes resembling a kitten.

"Morning," Steve whispered and Bucky grinned and then frowned. "You have to leave,"

"Yeah, but I promise to call you later,"

"You better," Bucky said with a playful smirk and Steve laughed and got up stretching.

Bucky went to the bathroom to change, and Steve quickly put his jeans and t-shirt on. He didn't have many pieces of clothing to put on, as for Bucky, he had at least four. When the brunette was done, Steve eyes him up and down and smirked. The boy was wearing grey shirt and pink skirt with black vans. And of course, his flower crown on his head.

"I'm starting to like pink a lot more these days,"

Bucky giggled and Steve wrapped his arms around his waist. He kissed Bucky and moaned tasting the flavor of the cherry lip gloss on his lips.

"Let's go downstairs before our friends start yelling," Steve breathed out still dizzy from the kiss. Bucky nodded, also in his own world after that heated kiss with Steve, and followed him downstairs.

"Finally! Steve are you staying for breakfast?" Tony asked from the kitchen.

"No, I gotta go. But I'll see you guys tomorrow," he replied and Tony and the others nodded.

"Is that, lipgloss Steve?" Sam asked smirking and the blonde blushed and looked at Bucky who was giggling with Natasha.

"Yeah, well bye," Steve said and before he started to walk home he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned and saw Bucky smiling at him.

"No kiss goodbye?"

Steve laughed and kissed him passionately.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye Buck,"

Bucky waved and saw him off.


Steve smiled as he walked home, thinking about Bucky. The only thing he forgot to do was ask him to be his boyfriend, so that would have to wait until tomorrow. The kiss they shared was still on his mind, and he couldn't wait for more. Once his house came into view, his smile faltered when seeing his dad on the porch steps.

"Where have you been boy?" he asked sternly and Steve sighed. "At a friend's house,"

His dad snickered. "You have friends? Get in the damn house boy,"

Steve went inside and swallowed the lump in his throat. Whatever beating he gets now, he's certain it's worth it because if he didn't leave Bucky would still be mad at him.

"Now, where were you? Really," the man asked loudly and Steve looked at him in fear. "I was at a friend's house, like I said before,"

"Don't get smart with me boy!" he yelled and smacked Steve across the face and the blonde clutched his cheek in pain.

His dad kicked him in the side, and he collapsed to the floor crying in pain. "This lying needs to stop, now get upstairs before I do worse!" his dad yelled and Steve collected his stuff and held his side while going to his room.

Once inside his room, he closed the door and fell on his bed. He lifted his shirt and saw a purple mark on his side. His cheek wasn't so bad, so he luckily didn't have to explain that one to Bucky.


He grabbed his phone, and smiled at the lock screen of him and Bucky at Tony's pool. Natasha had taken a few photos and sent him a few that night. Going through his contacts, he found Bucky's number and pressed call.

After a few seconds, he picked up. "Hey Stevie!"

Steve smiled hearing his voice. "Hey, I just got home," he said in a raspy tone since he's still in pain.

"What did he do?"

"Nothing major, I'm fine Buck. I just wanted to tell you to meet me at my locker tomorrow," Steve said.

"Yeah, ok. Well I gotta go, I'm about to leave Tony's. Bye Stevie,"

"Bye Bucky,"

After he hung up, Steve decided to just draw a few things. His art show was in a month and he still didn't have a muse.

Then, he decided to draw Bucky. The boy was beautiful, and Steve was determined to capture that beauty on paper.

He settled on drawing Bucky smiling, because when Bucky smiles it's like all of Steve's worries go away.

Pretty In Pink (Stucky AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora