Chapter 6

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Natasha was waiting in the hallway for her friends to show up, and she was mostly waiting for Bucky so they could walk to Math together. But then, Tony showed up wearing something she definitely wasn't expecting, causing her to choke on the bagel she was eating.

"Hey Tony, that's a uh...interesting outfit,"

Tony did a dramatic turn, wearing an all-black outfit, dress shoes, and a long red coat. He looked like Willy Wonka.

"Why thank you Natasha, now where is Barnes? I need to know which scarf to wear," Tony muttered while rummaging through his bag which contained multiple colored scarves. Nat laughed seeing how serious he was about this.

"He should be here soon, Sam picked him up already,"

With that said, Bucky and Sam appeared walking down the hall approaching their friends.

"Hey guys, Tony...where's the chocolate factory?" Sam joked and Tony glared at him. Bucky just smiled and seemed more interested in what the short brunette was wearing.

"Buckaroo, I need your help. Which scarf?" Tony asked holding up 5 scarves in his hands.

"The green one," Bucky replied and Tony grinned and put it on before stuffing the others in his bag. "Perfect, now I can start today,"

"What's so special about today anyway?" Sam asked and Natasha seemed interested as well and decided to hear what they were saying.

"Can't a guy look nice?" Tony asked a bit bothered by Sam's question. He was blushing a bit, and Bucky knew exactly what was going on but decided to ask Tony about it later, the boy seemed like he wanted to keep it a secret anyway.

"You wore sweatpants yesterday, its just weird how all of a sudden you want to dress like-

"Where's Steve?" Bucky asked interrupting Sam's ranting. Tony gave him a thankful look and looked around the hall. "I thought you guys were picking him up?"

"I texted him earlier, he said he was ok. But we should get to class, we'll see you guys later," Sam said walking with Tony who he shared first period with.

"C'mon Buck, I'm sure he's fine," Nat said and Bucky wanted to believe her but he felt like something was wrong. He shook the thought away and followed his friend to Mr. Coulson's class.

Bucky couldn't help but think about Steve during his last three classes before lunch. Rumlow was teasing him about his outfit as usual, but Bucky was too deep in thought to even come up with a witty comeback like usual. Tony even told him that Steve has never missed a day of school in his life, so he was even more worried about the blonde.

Lunch went by slow, and Steve was still nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Bucky, are you still coming over tomorrow?" Tony asked breaking Bucky out of his thoughts. He looked up from his tray of food that was untouched, and saw Tony smiling at him. "Yeah, I'll be there,"

"Excellent! And remember to bring your bathing suit,"

Bucky nodded, but he was still thinking about Steve. It's been almost a week, and he was already crushing on someone who was obviously straight. He looked at the time and saw there was only 5 minutes left of lunch, and grabbed his bag from the floor.

"I'll see you guys later, I'm going to get a head start on walking to class," Bucky didn't wait for his friends to reply and quickly left the cafeteria.

The halls were empty, since some students usually leave school for lunch. Bucky noticed a few posters for clubs, and frowned realizing he forgot to sign up for the acting club. Maybe they'll let him in. When he reached the hall where his class is, he decided to go use the bathroom before it started.

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