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*2 years later*

They say that high school is a time where you find yourself, where you spend all of senior year filling out college applications and preparing to jumpstart your future. When Bucky's dad left him and his mom, he didn't plan on a future where he would be surrounded by so much support, and a mom who would do anything to see her baby boy happy. If anything, Bucky was expecting to drop out of high school because of the bullies, and become a drag queen at a sketchy night club.

But since moving to this new town, making friends who support his unique sense of style, and finding love all at once was something he was not expecting could ever happen to him. Now, he's here surrounded by his classmates getting ready to receive his diploma.

As for Steve, being raised by adoptive parents can sometimes benefit you, but it also could lead to some unexpected paths. When his dad was abusing him, he didn't think he could ever have a future where he could achieve his goal of becoming a famous artist, or even to any college. But, after his dad cleaned up his act and his mother started acknowledging him again everything changed. Once he met Bucky, it was like fate was telling him to move forward and to not let anything get in the way. He learned a lot from Bucky, especially confidence.

"If I could have our valedictorian Steven Rogers come up and say a few words," Principal Fury announced through the mic.

Everyone clapped as the blonde stood up from the white folded chair, and looked to his right to see Bucky smiling at him and mouthing an 'I love you' before he went up to the stage.

He cleared his throat, and saw his friends giving him a thumbs up. Steve was never good at public speaking, but seeing his boyfriend and friends staring at him made it a little less nerve wracking.

"Well, first off I would like to congratulate our graduating class of 2017. I'm proud to stand here today in front of you all, our friends, family, and faculty. I'm sure half of you didn't think you'd make it to graduation, I sure as hell didn't. But, I was lucky enough to find someone (looking at Bucky) who was able to push me to move forward and continue my studies which lead me to be your valedictorian. I just want to say, and not to sound too corny, that you shouldn't give up on your dream. If you think that its the end, don't because its not. You will get through it, and if your lucky you'll find someone to help you through it, if it's your parent, a friend, teacher, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Your dream will become a reality, of course things don't come easy but that's life. Life isn't easy. So, all I have left to say is good luck and congrats class of 2017!"

All the students stood up clapping, especially Rumlow who was nodding at Steve. Things between him and his friends ended after the last fight they had which ended with him in a pink skirt.

Steve was walking back to his seat when Bucky approached him, "Stevie that was beautiful, I'm proud of you," the brunette then kissed him and Steve blushed and sat down.

"Now, on to the diplomas," Principal Fury said into the mic.

Bruce Banner

Bucky Barnes 

"Yeah Buck, I love you!" Steve shouted and the brunette blushed.

Clint Barton

Peter Parker 

"Yeah baby!," Wade yelled from the crowd.

Steve Rogers

Natasha Romanov

Brock Rumlow


"You know who I am," Tony said into the mic and everyone laughed.

Sam Wilson

"Yeah Sammy,cawcaw motherfucker!!!," Tony and Clint yelled standing on their seats and Natasha rolled her eyes at their antics.

Wade Wilson

"That's right bitches I didn't get left back!" said Wade who snatched the diploma from Fury and blew Peter a kiss who blushed embarrassingly.

After everyone was called up, there were caps being thrown into the air and loud claps from families and teachers. 'We are the Champions' was playing through the speakers, the traditional graduation song that the school used.

Bucky and Steve were trying to find each other through the large crowd of students, and bumped into their friends along the way. Natasha hugging Bucky so tightly, something she rarely does, and Tony was kissing Bruce with all he had. Wade was celebrating with Peter, who was with his Aunt May. And Sam was with his family, who were in tears as their son will be shipping out to Iraq first thing tomorrow morning.


The blonde turned around and spotted his princess smiling brightly at him, and he rushed towards him and they crashed into a hug. "You did it," Bucky laughed and pulled away from the hug.

"No, we did it," he said and Steve nodded. "It was all because of you Buck, you were the reason I was able to come out of my shell and be more confident. I think me bumping into you that day was fate," the blonde said with adoration in his deep blue eyes.

"I can't argue with that,"

Then, the two shared a passionate and loving kiss under all the caps that were still being thrown around, and the large amount of confetti that was flowing through the air. Here, in this moment is where their future starts. Steve had informed Bucky the night before that he's going to NYU with him, and the brunette couldn't be more excited to start his life with his one true love. And to Steve, it meant getting to pursue his dream with Bucky, and stealing the occasional cherry flavored kisses that he loved so much.



Thank you all for reading 'Pretty In Pink' I hoped you enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Love you all!!

-A xoxoox

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