Where Are You Now

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Diggy p.o.v

Waking up, i lookaround to see i was tied up in a van. This van seemed so familiar. I looked down and seen i was tied up with rope, wires, and zip ties. Zip Ties really? Moving around i hear footsteps coming toward the van. I didnt know whether to yell or stay quiet. The windows were painted black and the only window that wasnt was the wieldshield. I looked as the shadows stood infront of the door and finally opened. It was 4 men getting in with mask on. I figured maybe if they'll talk...ill know who they were.

Diggy: why am i here?

They laughed at me. I didn't say  nothing funny. i decided to mock them just to feel a fist hit me dead in my eye.

Diggy: the fuck? What the hell?!!

He took off his mask and i couldn't believe who it was....

Diggy: oh my God!

Keith: wassup...Daniel or do you want me to call you what my son calls you...Diggy.

Im so confused right now. I thought "Somebody" killed Jacob's dad. I cloed my eyes thinking it was a dream but i realized it wasnt. 

Diggy: i thought you were dead?

Keith: see....yall thought. Who said that I was?

Diggy: The police. We seen the body and the blood.

Keith: well Diggy. It wasnt me. Your friend killed one of my boys that happened to have hair like mines. 

Diggy: friend?

Keith: yep. Chresanto. That bitch snuck into my house and shot my security guard thinking it was him.I watched him. See when Chresanto seen the light turn on in Jacob's room, he ran in...bumping the sitch causing the lights to go off. He shot my guard in the neck...but didnt think to turn hime over to see if it was me. What a dumb hoe.

Diggy: dont call him a hoe.

He punched me in my mouth. i spit out the blood and looked at him.

Keith: .....Jacob didnt come to the funeral...because it wasnt mine. Jacob is the reason your in here. Jacob is the reason that you might die. Or then i might make you my sex slave...idk. The idea is still pending. It looks like you give some good head.

He rubbed on my head as the others laughed.

Keith: me and my boys gonna take you and pass you around like a 2 cent bitch.

Diggy: so this what you do huh? You like sexy boys that you can take advantage of when they arent able to defend themselves?


Diggy: i mean thats what you did to Jacob. Youll beat him and take advantage of him. Yeah i know what you did to your own son and its a fucking sick thing to do.

The van stopped and the door opened. A big muscular man pulled me out making me hit the ground.. looking at the dirt..i seen blooding slowly dripping from me. Getting me up, i look at this building that ive never seen before. they entered a code that i couldnt make out. Opening the metal door , i seen stairs . I stopped.

Guard: who told your ass to stop.

Diggy: where the hell am i?

Guard: get your ass to stepping.

Diggy: go suck Keith's dick

Guard: thats your job bitch.

He pushed me upstairs into a room. There were no windows or nothing...just a bed, mirror and a closet.They untied me and left the room. They door was locked from the outside so i couldnt pick the lock. I sat on the bed and seen myself in the mirror. I looked like i had got jumped by a mob of people. I felt even worse. I slowly laid down and started to cry. i wish i could be strong right now but i cant. Im so fucking scared...not only for me but for my friends. I couldnt get Nicki out of my mind. Was this morning the last time ill see my queen?

Jacob p.o.v

So i called the police and they asking me questions like this isnt serious.

Police: what was the last thing he ate?

Jacob:are you serious?

Nicki: what the living fuck that has to do with finding him? Do yall really think this is a joke.

Police: excuse me mam but im asking crazy questions because your friend gave me a crazy story.

Jacob: how is him jumping out a moving car and walking down an empty street until i didnt see him anymore crazy? The only thing i found was his phone.

Chres: Officer...this street..does it has cameras?

Police: umm i think so. Ill send one of my boys out to check tomorrow.

Nicki: tomorrow? TOMORROW COULD BE TOO LATE!!!!

Police: mam its 10:45 p.m. Its pitch black dark outside and we wont get no where if we search tonight.

Jacob: thanks officers..

They left and i locked the door. I sat by Chres as he held Nicki's shaking body. I hope Nicki doesnt ask why he jumped out cause ik it'll hurt her even worse.

Jacob: Yall imma go upstairs..

Nicki: no!!! Dont leave us alone.


My phone vibrated. i took it out..but i had no notifications. I took out Diggy's phone and seen a message from an unknown number. getting Nicki and Chres attention..i open the message. A video started to play. I couldnt believe my eyes. We were watching Diggy getting beat up by four men with a man sitting in the corner with his back turned. All the blood coming from his body just got to me. I threw the phone and broke down. Nicki and Chres held me but i couldnt control my emotions.

Jacob:Diggy!!!!!!!! DIGGY IM SORRYYYYY!!!!!!

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