I Cant

372 24 4

Diggy p.o.v

Waking up, I see Jaden coming in the door.

Jaden: hey

Diggy;what time is it?

Jaden:4:00 a.m

Diggy: do they know your here?

Jaden: nahh..plus i walked so they wouldn't know i was here anyway.

Diggy: so..why am i not leaving?

Jaden: because we have to find away to get that chip out your neck.

Feeling my neck, i feel a dime shape thing in my neck.

Diggy: how did....

Jaden; Keith has his ways. Oh, i brought you this food. Ik you havnt ate in like a week.

Taking the food, i dived in. This tasted so good.

Jaden: so...are you single?

Diggy: nahh. I got a girl im gonna wife up and have 24 kids with and treat her like a queen.

He laughed but i really do want atleast 20 kids...my next number is 18. Putting my plate to the side...i sat down beside him.

Diggy:everything ok?

Jaden: yeah

Diggy: you feeling some type of way cause you thought i was gay?

Jaden:i wouldnt say that. ill say that i wanna find someone like you.

Diggy:umm...you gotta condom?

Chres p.o.v

Today Nicki and I are going to the doctor because we both have been having stomach pains lately. We have been in so much pain...all we wanna do is sleep. I just hope my babies are ok cause i only got like a couple weeks left. Diggy has been keeping in touch with me and today he suppose to call and give me a location. I cant believe this is happening. All Nicki does is cry and in public, she just hides the sadness with her smile. I can feel her hurt. Walking into the doctors office, i sign us in and wait in the waiting room.

Chres: how you feeling?

Nicki: lost...i try not to think about it but how do you put something like that in the back of your head and be like "Diggy  is ok" when idk if he is.

Chres: Nicki...he's ok

Nicki: you dont know that Chres.....

Before i could say anything, the doctor called us back. They ran test on Nicki and i got an ultrasound. We waited.

Nicki; you only got 3 weeks left huhh?

Chres: wish it was today. Ill be happy when i have my babies...

Nicki:im gonna be an aunte..im gonna be an aunte

I laughed. The doctor came back in and sat down.

Doctor; so..Chres. Your fine . This is normal having pains like this coming up to your due date.Now as for you Ms.Nicki, your are 4 weeks.

Nicki:4 weeks what?


I looked at Nicki as she held her mouth open.To me it was hella funny. We left..and Nicki was still quiet.My phone buzzed and it was the unknown number that Diggy been calling me from.

Text Convo.

Diggy:...the  address is 298 Fremore St. 


Diggy: you gotta turn down a street called Jawse Street.

Chres;ok...when do i come?

Diggy:You dont need to. Your pregnant and ion wont you to get hurt.C

Chres:well nicki cant come either...cause she is pregnant

Diggy:omg...im so happy. Chres i gotta go. Come tonight at 12


End Text Convo.

Putting my phone down...i look at Nicki and see her smiling out the window.

Nicki:imma be a mother.....and Diggy is gonna be a father.

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