1)The Mission

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[Pat's PoV]

My father, The Lytch King, had summoned me to his throne room. Probably to give me another quest that would aid us in the war with The Overworld. The war has been going on since before I was born and my father would send me on quests to retrieve items or do other tasks all the time. As I walked down the dark halls I could hear the monsters of the Twilight Forest fighting with the people or each other. I never really knew anymore...

"Furious Destroyer!" my fathers voice bellowed through the room, "Your new mission is to capture or kidnap the princess of the Overworld." I gaped at him under my helmet. Kidnap the princess? Why? For ransom? Leverage over the queen? Though these questions spun in my head I never questioned my father.

"Of course, Father." With the small reply I excepted the mission of kidnaping the princess.

Soon I stood at the portal. It was surrounded with flowers with the swirling pink color stretching between them. Then I jumped.

As I tumbled through the portal my armor changed. Now i was dressed in just a black shirt, shorts, and sneakers. Then I was there I was in the Overworld. You see all of my past missions were in the Twilight Forest and this was my first time in the Overworld. I stood in a clearing surrounded by short trees. I turned to see the portal, but it was gone so i assumed you appeared randomly once you traveled though the portal. Then I realized everything I had brought with me was gone. I guess I was starting from scratch, so it was time to punch a tree.

{Jen's PoV}

I sat locked in my room just like any other day. People said i was kept here for protection, but in reality I just kept running away and soon I'd leave forever. Within the next day The royal family of the But Kingdom would be coming to discuss working together to defeat the Lytch king.  It was getting late  so i went to sleep for the night.

The next mourning my handmaidens dressed me in my finest gown and i was escorted to the throne room. There I saw the Family from the Butt kingdom. My mother and the King and queen were talking while the two brothers were chasing each other around in a circle. I walked over to them.

"Excuse me," I said shyly, " But what are you two doing?" They both froze and looked at me. Now they were looking at each other and seamed to be having some sort of silent conversation.

The one with ginger hair turned to me and said," Do you wanna come play a game with us? Our parents will probably take awhile."

"Sure!" I responded, " What game?"

"Follow us and you'll see." said the brother who looked like a squirrel.

We quickly left hoping our parents wouldn't notice our absence. When we finally arrived we were at a find the button building. The three of us were locked in a room and needed to find a button to be teleported to the next room and eventually leave. Once we finished the game we all sat out side and talked.
" So um, we heard you tried to run away from your home. Why would you do that?" Sir Butt Butt Butt Butt asked.
"I don't want to be queen or have to deal with the war or any of that stuff." I replied
" Then here." Sir Butt Butt said as he handed me a back pack, "They're supplies that should last a good few weeks."
"We don't need to leave but if you want to, take them and run. We won't tell." Sir Butt Butt Butt Butt finished. I thanked them and fled into the forest.

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