8) Different

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[Pat's PoV]

I woke when I fell out of my berth onto the floor of the cabin. I saw Sylvester digging around in my stuff. Probably looking for food. I shooed him away and took out my stone sword. It had felt like forever since I had had to take on one of my father's quests. This adventure I was on with Jen may have started with a quest but it would not end as one. I cared about Jen and she cared about me. At least, I hoped she did.

I heard a noise coming from behind the door. I walked cautiously over to it. I quickly through open the door to see a small villager standing there.

"Hello! I'm Captain Cookie Little! Want to come try my trampoline?" He said then hurried off. I quickly followed leaving my sword behind. He lead me to a large trampoline and just stood there. I didn't know what to do so I said goodbye and walked to the prow of the ship. The ocean here was so different than in the Twilight Forest. Here the water looked like it could stretch on forever.

Thats when I realized th- that. No that isn't true. I-I don't...  Gah! I'm such a coward. I couldn't even admit it to myself. In the Twilight  Forest everything was so simple. There love was frowned upon. When my father fell in love with my mother a civil war almost started among the citizens and monsters, but once I was born... H-He killed her. He killed my mother. But here, in the Overworld, everything was different and I knew nothing. Except for one thing: 

I was in love with Jen and I would do anything to protect her.

Sorry this is short, but I just really enjoyed writing this chapter and I wanted to post it. Besides I thought the character development(cough* the fact Pat likes Jen* cough) would be good for where I want this story to go. Also I just wanna clear something up. Sylvester is one of the elite guards shape-shifted into a rabbit. I tried to explain that in the last chapter during Unknown's Pov, but I'm not sure that point of the story got across to you guys. Anyway have a good day/night.


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