18) Spy

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So... the Q&A failed. Whatever! It's story time!

{Jen's PoV}

I had heard scuffling outside my makeshift shelter. When I stepped outside I saw Pat be hit over the head with a sword and crumple to the ground. I tried to run to him but another figure bound and gaged me. They tied Pat up with this weird glowing rope, which took awhile because their armor kept bumping into the other's. Once Pat was bound to their liking and they checked us for weapons,discarding any they found, and then proceeded to literally drag us away. 

Hours passed and eventually Pat woke up. Releasing what was happening he began struggling. He stopped only when the person dragging him got fed up and told Pat that the rope was enchanted with unbraking VIII. Our two captors seemed to making a point to drag us over every rock, root, and branch in the forest. I was hoping Pat knew where we were going, because everything just looked the same to me.

More time had passed, and the sky continued with its constant partial darkness. The figures stoped, dropping us in front of a set of obsidian doors. The doors were connected to the most intimidating, dark castle I'd ever seen. One of the figures pushed open the doors and entered while the other was left to watch the two of us. They sighed as they began removing their helmet.

"Thats better" She said. The woman had a round face, hazel eyes, and dark shoulder length hair. "Um... Hi I'm Rachael. Don't tell anyone I told you though. I'd be in big trouble then." She stood there waiting for one of us to respond, her helmet under her arm. "Oh! Right. Sorry." She said quickly before removing the strips of fabric in our mouths. She moved us into sitting positions against some trees.

"I'm sorry, but..." Pat started, "WHO THE H*** ARE YOU?!?!"

"I just told you. I'm Rachael. I'm also one of your mother's spies," She said looking at me. Perfect, if she worked for my mother she could help us get out of here.

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