23)Just the Two of Us

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{Jen's PoV}

"So tell me what happened in the Twilight forest," my mother said after Pat left. I told her everything. What happened with Sir Butt Butt Butt Butt and Sir Butt Butt, the trip to the island, getting Lizzie's help. Everything.

"Well. With the Lytch King dead, the war is finally over. I will have to speak with Fur- Pat. I'll have to talk with Pat later. He deserves the truth. As do you. I will call you both when I'm ready."

"Thank you, Mom," I gave her one last hug and left. Soon I was able to find Pat. He was with Lizzie and Joel in the main hall. For the rest of the day we all wandered the castle, just having fun.

The next day Pat and I were called to speak with my mother. We weren't told what about, but I knew anyway. We were going to learn the truth.

"Hello Jennifer. Pat. I think it's time you two knew the truth. All of it. This may take awhile," She said gesturing to two chairs, "Thirty years ago a woman who went by the name of Alexandra (IDK just go with it) left to go to the Twilight Forest. The war had hardly started at this point. I hardly knew her, but I did know she was an oracle," Pat tensed, curious, "To the best of  my knowledge she had foreseen that her going there would bring piece to the two dimensions once again. For fifteen years things became quieter. There were battles often, but still quieter. It continued like that for years, until the rumors began spreading about a man only known only as Furious Destroyer." She paused looking at Pat, "Believe you can pick up the story from here..."

"Y-yeah. When I was nine years old my father killed my mother, Alexandra. Time passed and when I was about thirteen my father sent me on a mission and told me to use the alias Furious Destroyer. Slowly the missions became harder, but I never left the Twilight forest. I guess the rumors started spreading from there. Eventually my father sent me on a mission to the Overworld and well, here we are now."

"Well," My mother replied, "It seems Alexandra did indeed help end the war. Without you we'd probably be stuck in the same endless cycle of battles we have been in for the past years." She dismissed us and we left the throne room. We spent the rest of the day talking. Just the two of us. I loved it.

And I loved Pat.

I am so sorry for the huge delay with posting this chapter. I have had very little motivation to sit down and write recently. Right after this is posted I will get to work on the epilogue and I can asure you there wont be a long break between this and when that is posted.

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