13) Her Mission

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{Jen's PoV}

I sat reading the book for a good hour before I even realized what it was about.  The Twilight Forest. Quickly I flipped back to the table of contents scanning for the chapter on portals. When I finally got to the chapter it said,

Portals are one of the hardest things to make in the natural world. Without knowing how, it can be practically impossible. Some portals can only be opened in certain dimensions, because the resources needed are only found in certain ones. The portal to The Twilight Forest is one of the easier portals to make. The steps to making a portal to the Twilight Forest are as follows: fill a two by two hole with water, plant flowers surrounding the small "pond", and throw in a diamond.

That was it. Thats what I was going to do. I'd make a portal to The Twilight Forest and find Pat . Then I realized before I was reading about all sorts of dangerous creatures before I found the chapter on portals. If I was going to find Pat I'd have to be able to defend myself. I went to go find Lizzie. If she had given me the book she'd also hopefully help me train too.

After eating some food, I was starving, I made my way down to the training room where the guards would spar and well, train. I spotted Lizzie and walked over too her. She was talking to her boyfriend Joel.

"Are you crazy! Giving her that bo..." Joel voice tailed off as he saw me walking over.

"See I told you!" Said Lizzie, "What do you need Jen?"

"I was hoping you'd teach me to fight." I replied.

"Of course." She said sending an I-told-you-so look at Joel.

We walked over to a group of racks covered weapons. After looking over and trying lots of swords, axes, and bows I proved to be bad at wielding them all. Then Lizzie drought over a scythe for me to try. It was about three feet tall and the curved bade was a good one and a half feet long. When I held it the weapon felt balanced in my hands. Lizzie had me start practicing one one of the many training dummies in the room.

Once it was dark out I left to go back to my room. When I entered I saw a tray of food on my bed. I set down my scythe and began to eat. I thought my plan over again.

I was going to run away again

I was going to go to the Twilight Forest.

 I was going to find Pat.

This was going to be my mission.

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